Owain x reader (request )

40 1 4

Gender: female
Request: marlett_writes

Another day another fight, this war seems endless, and as horrible as it might sound it was just the beginning, we thought that after plegia's war ended we'd already gained our happily ever after, but Wallhart had something else in mind, we were able to sustain the war thanks to queen Robin's strategy and the two new fighters from the future, Lucina and Owain

"Our next battle will be against Yen'fay, an exceptionally skilled warrior, my brother" Say'ri said, her voice betraying her in the last words, I scooted closer to her, resting a comforting hand on her shoulder "don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to convince him" "I don't know..."

Before we knew it a Pegasus from Cornelia's battalion reached us "the enemy is right ahead, we will clash their frontline in five minutes" I turned back trying to catch a glimpse of Owain, who usually stood behind us loudly chatting with the others, I did so mainly to check if he was still there, today he was awfully quiet, merely a month ago I would have been happy to take a break from his loud and annoying voice, as time went on I started liking it, it felt almost calming, I may be becoming delusional, but I started liking pretty much everything about this loud ass motherfucker (no offense for Lissa)

I was a bit tacked aback by the fact that he was already watching me, we stood there for ten infinite uncomfortable seconds before he took the courage to speak "Y/n, hath some thing bothered you?" He asked after taking a longer step to reach me "oh don't worry, I'm fine, it's just the temperature, it's harsher than I imagined " I said taking a deeper breath, I ain't used to higher temperatures, especially since I grew up in the colder part of Regna Ferox " fear not, 'tis but a small stone in your path, the skill which lies within you will guide you through this difficulty, and just in case you need me and my trusty companion will keep you safe" he proudly announced pulling out his trusty sword, not gonna lie, the whole sword nickname thing made me smile

I dived into the fight head first, as I often did when I realised that six against one was not the best idea I ever had, but as I was ready to strike one down a friend of his tried to stop my spear, I knocked the both of them out in one hit using the flat side of the Lance but as the four left tried to attack me, I blocked a few of them and knocked another pair, everything was going smoothly until I heard a pained cry from a voice I knew too well coming from behind my back "y/n, watch out !"

"OWAIN !" He stood there, laid on the ground, his arms crossed over his chest, to cover a big gash that extended from his right shoulder to his left hip, few steps away I saw the asshole who caused it, an axe wielding soldier, my blood boiled to the point that the environment around us felt colder than ice as I shoved my lance in the monster's face, no one harms Owain besides me on the training ground

I ran back to my friend as fast as I could, he was still bleeding, I held him up as best as I could "I've got you Owain, I'll get you outta here, don't you dare dying on me " I could see him barely conscious his head tilted slightly upwards "you're safe... I'm glad..." he mumbled before completely giving in, I feared the worse, I wrapped my fingers around his wrist to feel if he had any pulse, and he did.

I wasted no time in lifting him up and carrying him the fuck out of this hell, Luckily the battle was already won, so I could easily retreat to the medical tent Lissa was shocked to say the least, seeing her future son in such a state...

I stood by his side while he was treated and patched up, I felt his head shift lightly his eyes shot open, he was clearly reassured when he saw the medical tent and my face

"Oh y/n..." "don't even start you imbecille!" I stopped him mid sentence "what we're you trying to do? Get yourself killed? And where was your trusty blade at? You need to be more careful! " his eyes shut closed again as he flinched grabbing his head "please, don't be so harsh, your words cut deeper than a sword" I rolled my eyes "well maybe deeper than e sword but not surely as much as the axe that hit you!" He giggled? He had the audacity to giggle? At such a time in such a state "not giving up on the snide remarks I see" it was obvious that I would never obtain an answer without asking the right questions

"Just why? Can you, at least, tell me this? " "I've seen the soldier was trying to hit your back, it was too late to parry the hit properly, but I could have never let you get hurt in such a way, I promised you I would have covered your back, it's not an exaggeration to say I'd rather die than see you hurt " reckless asshole "Owain I could say the very same about you, please, don't do this again" I sat down on his bed next to him"unfortunately I cannot promise that" he answered shifting closer "I love you y/n, I've never felt this way about anyone, the symptoms match!" I was a bit taken aback by the symptom part but aside from that everything was more than clear for me "you love me?" "I love you too Owain! I love you for how reckless you are, for how strong you are, I love you because you're you Owain , and I'm so very glad you feel the same"

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