Claude x reader unwelcome proposal

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Gender: f
Word count: 2211(long boi)
Request by: SezeSully
Tw: some injuries, bad family ties

I rolled my eyes looking at the letter, an ultimatum from my father who all but promised he'd stop looking for possible suitors until I was done with my fucking studies, I held him accountable for his own word and written clearly where this one suitor can shove his proposal, the year has just started and there's no way in Alleil I'm rushing back to meet another conceded nobleman looking for a wife

Professor Byleth called all the classes in the garden, un unusual occurrence but I didn't mind it, at least I could chat with Claude, it's not easy to be friends with people of other houses, let alone other houses leaders, I often complained about it to professor Byleth, and apparently today he decided to do something about it

"Attention students, to improve communication between different houses today's missions will be faced in pairs, you can chose your pairs so long as you're in different houses"

"Well, looks like you annoyed him enough to actually do something about it, bravo" a familiar voice said, I turned around to see Claude with his usual smirk "when it comes to annoying people I have no rivals, and you should know it" I said poking his forehead "oh I know it damn well, and since I need a partner just as annoying as me I find myself asking you... will you team up with me?" He said posing as if was asking me for a dance on the ballroom, holding out his hand for me to grasp, I gladly did replying "it would be my honour"

we then both bursted out into laughters, oh goddess if we both loved mocking 'noble behaviour', etiquette never meant anything to me, it was something I was forced to learn in order to become a proper lady... something I dreaded.

"Earth to y/n... you look distracted, were you listening ?" Claude asked "nope, what did teach say?" Claude snickered "he said our task's in the forbidden forest, and it's gonna be just the two of us, all alone, in the forest..." his flirty tone ever so teasing "you know, that's the look you have when you decide to keep something secret, so what are you hiding pretty face?" I rolled my eyes at him

Claude always was the curious type, it was part of the reason we became friends in the first place, I distinctly remember the first time he sat beside me at lunch, his emerald eyes starring into my soul, but apparently my soul was too dark to pierce through, I hated my family and felt truly ashamed of it, I never spoke about anything in my past and I wouldn't tell anything if my life depended on it, so I deflected his attacks with humor, as I did with everyone else "that's because it's my business sweetie, get your own"

Claude and I eventually found ourselves patrolling the forrest, everything was calm, almost too calm, we were just about to take a pause in a small glade when I felt many arms grabbing me and pulling me back,

when Claude turned around and pulled out his bow it was already too late, mysterious troops were now surrounding him, two of them placed themselves in front of me, blocking my view, and shoving a wet cloth in my face, pressing it over my nose and mouth, I tried shaking free but their grip on my arms waist and head was too tight

I could hear Claude shouting out my name and desperately wanted to answer, all the commotion around me started fading away slowly as my body went numb, that cloth must have been drugged

Claude's pov

"Y/n! Y/n!" I tried to call her but she gave no response, she stopped screaming, I couldn't see her anymore and every time I defeated an opponent other three seemed to appear out of the bushes, if I didn't leave that place in time I would have surely died, but leaving y/n in their grasp wasn't something I wanted to do, it was the first time I could bring myself to do something that I deemed the best strategy because of someone...

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