Dimtri x reader you have my heart (S.valentine's special)

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I never did anything like that so if it turns out poorly I'm sorry, just wanted to do a little fluff tale (and yeah, it's favouritism, he's my favourite character)

Today I woke up to what looked like a completely normal day, rising at dawn and finishing the few homework I had left from last evening, and started dressing up, the same old garreg mach uniform, the only thing (aside from Lorenz's existence) I didn't like at Garreg Mach, such a boring Thursday morning made me forget what day it was today.

A sharp reminder was the special breakfast, it took me a sip of coffee to realise today's pancakes were heart shaped, and another one to realise what it meant; not only had I forgot the day due to the particularly stressful week, I also forgot the gift in my room, considering my forgetfulness it was a miracle I had bought it in the first place.

To be fair it was the first time I actually had someone to spend Valentine's Day with, I wasn't even sure what to get him in the first place, Dimitri never liked delicate things and the only thing they sold around the marketplace were sweets, tea blends, weapons and various equipment. Given his passion for horse riding I decided to get him some leather riding equipment. I didn't think it was romantic enough so I used a scalded needle to scribble things little hearts and "I love you"'s in places that wouldn't affect the efficiency.

And all of that just to forget the gift in my room last second... congrats to me and my dumb ass, I finished my breakfast as quickly as I could and was just about to blast through the door and run to grab the gift before anyone noticed me but it was too late; as I ran through the door I bumped face first, full speed into someone, rip to my poor nose.

I didn't even need to look up at his face to know who I just bumped into, the blue cape gave it away immediately "y/n? are you alright?" Dimitri asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, I looked up at him with an awkward smile "oh, hi Dimitri, yeah, sorry" I said a bit embarrassed "you don't need to apologise, although why were you running from your breakfast?" I really didn't want to spoil the surprise"Oh, just thought I was late since nobody was around and I didn't hear the bells" I said, hoping he wouldn't see through my excuse "well, it's actually quiet early considering today's activities have been cancelled" he said moving to grab a tray, I sighed in relief and grabbed another cup of coffee, goddes knew I needed it today.

"Wait a minute, canceld?" I asked not remembering any news such as this "well...since both the golden deer and the black eagles are out on a mission today professor Byleth had planned an outdoor activity but there have been some last minute problem with Seteth deeming the themed activity 'unfit' and professor Byleth, instead of rescheduling, decided to give us a free day, I was planning to wait for the rest of the group to get here and grab breakfast but looks like you beat me to it"

As soon as he looked down at the heart-shaped pancakes he had the same realisation I had only a few minutes earlier "oh, happy Valentine's Day y/n!" He said with a genuine smile sitting beside me "thanks, happy Valentine's Day to you too" I replied, shuffling a bit closer to him shivering a bit, Garreg Mach was way warmer than what I was used to being from farghus but the dang uniforms here were too light and too short, I took a sip from the boiling coffee as I leaned in Dimitri's shoulder cursing the weather and uniforms "you're shivering, are you sure everything's alright?" He asked before taking a sip of his own coffee "well, I'm a bit cold, nothing too dire" I simply answered holding the warm mug in both hands.

It didn't even take a second for him to take off his uniform's cape and drape it around my shoulders "any better dear?" He asked before realising  what in the world he just said and getting redder than a tomato, none of us were the overly sweet tipe so we hadn't really used pet-names, or nicknames for that matter, but now that he actually said it I didn't really mind, not one bit.

"I apologise..." "don't, I actually like the sound of that..." I answered, scratching the back of my neck and looking down "and thanks for the cape Dimi" we stood there chatting a bit as the rest of our classmates reached us, when all the eight of us were there Dimitri told them the news, they all looked quiet happy to have a free day, they then started to leave the room bit by bit, the last one to leave was Dedu, and he left only because Ashe asked him for help at the greenhouse.

We spent the morning hanging out at the knight's hall in front of the fireplace until we decided to go for a walk "do you mind if I stop by my room for a second?" The perfect occasion to finally get the gift "Of course not, I gotta drop by my room for a second too, I can grab something heavier to wear" I replied, giving back his cape with a smile.

We met again at the knight's hall, both him and I holding the gifts "guess we both forgot them then" I said with a smirk "I was hoping to grab it after breakfast but I bumped into you... wait is that why you were running?" I think I looked like a deer in headlights in that moment, but I shook it off "you guessed, here's your prize" I replied handing him the gift, he opened it up carefully, evidently afraid to break it, I giggled a bit "don't laugh at my misery" he said with a smile "you don't have to worry about breaking it, it's nothing delicate, besides I think you might need it"  when he finally unwrapped it he was shocked to say the least "it's perfect... how'd you know I needed it? You're a genius, thank you y/n" he enthusiastically said kissing my forehead.

"Now it's your turn" he said, handing me a small box, with a small blue ribbon, I untied it and opened the box to reveal a small dagger with a blue holster "In faerghus gifting weapons has a really deep meaning, this one... well, I think you should just read it"  I unsheathed it to reveal a shiny blade with something written on it 'my strength is yours, and so is my heart' a tear slipped down my eye "Dimi..." I said looking up at him and holding the blade close "this is the most thought gift anyone has ever given me... you have my heart and my strength too, I love you" having said that I pulled him in for a kiss, this truly was a holiday to remember

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