Dimitri x reader (request) - problems and tea *

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Requested by:Kitsunegoddes_Selkie
Gender: GN
Word count: 1345
Story: fluff/comfort

I couldn't deal with this shit anymore, Miklan started bullying me, again, it's not the first time he shames me for whatever reason he could, when we were kids Sylvain used to help me and eventually lift my spirit if I felt bad, but recently Sylvain didn't give a shit, he was too busy flirting...

Time skip to the tower mission I was an assassin class, as I tried to charge him he grabbed my neck "there's the useless pile of shit, let's see if your crest will save you now" Miklan said lifting me using only one hand and tightening his grip around my neck my lungs burned as I struggled to free myself, I took out a dagger from my belt and stabbed Miklan's arm, and when his grip loosened I fell on the stone floor

I did what I had to, I distracted him! As he tried to take another step towards me an arrow wezled past my ear and went sticking precisely in Miklan's right eye, folding it with blood

The leader of the bandits kept charging towards me, as I was still breathing fast from the previous attack, I pulled out my sword deflecting his hits, but stamina and weapon triangle were agains me, Dedu reached my side and inflicted to Miklan what seemed a fatal blow

when he was laying in the ground he gripped my ankle and motioned me to hear him "for a noble family  an illegitimate is less useful than a crestless son, if our parents wished one of them was never born it would be you" he said before a strange dark substance began to wrap around his body, turning him into a literal beast, we had no choice but to kill him.

That's fine, he wasn't my brother anymore, more like eh was never my brother to begin with

One day has passed since the battle and I still feel like a part of me died when Miklan said his last words, I had to try to confront with Sylvain, so I knocked on his door, and he reluctantly opened

"Hey Sylvain, I've been feeling off lately " "if it's to complain about something Miklan said the door is right behind you" he replied coldly even though he started to care less about the topic he never answers like this before... "You know you're not the only one who got furiously punched and insulted by him, yet you always act like you are! Please grow up" he spat out mad, I felt tears threatening to spill out, but contained myself, I always knew Sylvain had it really harsh, and now he just needed to vent "I'm sorry" I said, leaving the room at once

While walking back to my room the voices of my brothers grew louder and louder in my head, only insults came out of their mouths, they kept going on, covering any rational thought in my mind, until a third voice suddenly stopped them "y/n, are you ok?" As I turned around to see who spoke I met my house leader's gaze, as soon has he saw my face his eyes filled with worry as much as mine were filled with tears

"What happened? " he asked worriedly holding my hands in his, the sudden action made me lower my head in embarrassment "it's about yesterday" I admitted trying to calm myself a bit " is it about what Miklan said?" Asked the Prince still not knowing what to do, I think the answer was clear enough when at that sentence i bursted into tears and hiccups.

The situation was out of control, my legs became shaky and I fell on my knees, covering my face with my hands, my whole body was shaking as if I was wearing a wet cloth under the cold snow of farghus, or at least until I felt a pair of strong, warm arms wrapping around me in an embrace, I moved my hand from my still teary eye to see something I've always dreamed of Dimitri hugging me

"Don't worry everything will be alright, let's get you a cup of tea, when you'll feel better we'll talk about it ok?" He asked as softly as politely, loosening the embrace to look at my face. Still hiccuping, I nodded a yes, he smiled, and helped me up.

In that moment one thought came to my mind "can we not go to the garden? I don't want others to see me like this" I said in shame "we can go to my room, my desk is quiet large and has two chairs " he stopped mid sentence and shook his head, I could see a tint of red covering his cheeks, as he continued his sentence "of course only if it's ok to you" he rambled a bit, I noded another yes and he took a deep breath

I was making him feel uncomfortable, I should have left when I had the chance, now he knows I'm weak

"here we are, please come in and take a seat" he said with a welcoming smile, how could he make me feel at ease with just a smile, after a few minutes of comfortable silence the tea was ready, so he sat beside me as we drank our tea

Even though it was really hard for me to open up I found the courage to talk first " I was born from an affair, yet I had a crest, so my father welcomed me in the family nevertheless, this made Miklan resent me, he started to target me as much as my brother, not only physically, but also psychologically, Sylvain was always there to help me but lately he became more distant, today I must have caught him in a stressful moment and he didn't react well " I said sighing

the young prince left down his cup and held my trembling hand "what did he say?" He asked trying to sound as calm as he could, but I could see his eyes, burning in rage "it's not important" I said.

At my shy response his eyes turned from angry to worried once again "whatever he said to make you feel that way is important, please let it out, bottling it up will only make you feel worse" so I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and let it all out

"he said... he said that i wasn't Miklan's only target yet I always acted like I was and that I should grow up " he looked surprised? "Wait, the most immature human being in foldland told you to grow up? Don't listen to him, he was dumb before, but stress actually managed to make him even dumber "  at this answer I felt a bit relieved "I'm glad you're not mad at him" "well, I'm a bit upset at him but doing anything to him wouldn't help you, and i'm here just for you" he said, his face went completely red

"your highness, is everything alright? " I asked a bit worried, he looked strange "don't worry y/n, I'm fine, besides we've been friends for a long time you can simply call me Dimitri " he said, these few words set my cheeks on fire "sorry, did I make you feel uncomfortable" oh shoot, he notice me, I smiled as best as I could and tried to cover the blush with my hand, he was trying to help him and I was crushing over him, as usual "not at all, actually I really do enjoy your company" "I do too, we haven't had much time to spend together, we should have tea together like this more often " Dimitri said smiling "I'd love to, thanks for the help, but I think it's best if I go back to my room " I said as I got up, he shoot up too "it's quiet late, want me to walk you back?" "Yes, thank you"

Back then I didn't know but that day we started hanging out together, by now we're officially engaged and nothing could make us happier

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