Felix x reader-snowy Holliday 2*

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The second story of the snowy holiday saga,

"Y/n, y/n we're gonna be late! Come on it's time to go " my annoying brother said "which of your six girlfriends are you gonna bring this time?" "Wow, calm down there, none of them, it's gonna be the six of us" Sylvain answers

"The six of you huh, how comes I'm never invited?" Shit, Miklan heard us, after our birth he lost everything, I'm sorry for him, but every time we tried to spend time with him and help him one of us ended up on the verge of death

"answer this question you spoiled brats!" He yelled as I I hid myself behind Sylvain, It's almost a natural reflex I have considering how many times I did it as a child, "you're never invited because whenever you are you try to kill us" Sylvain answered angrily, Miklan didn't take it very well, and was ready to beat the shit out of the both of us, I couldn't just stand and stare, I had to take the both of us out of there before someone got hurt.

I open the window and used my whistle to call my wyvern, after that I pushed Sylvain on it, and hurriedly jumped, but Miklan was faster and grabbed my ankle, I yelped in both surprise and pain as he pulled on my ankle hard

Sylvain managed to kick him off, but Miklan's hand left a dark bruise around my ankle, he may be crestless but he's stronger than me

"are you hurt? Do you need a bandage? Some ice?"Sylvain asked worriedly, he may be a bit of a skirt-chaser, but he's the best brother in the world " it's not that bad, take your wyvern and let's reach the others, I'll put some snow on it once we're at the fortress" I said, trying to sound as calm as I can know it's not that dire compared to when he literally threw me off of a cliff, but nonetheless I'm always scared of what he's gonna do next,

Sylvain herd my answer yet he didn't fall for my fake calm tone, he knows me better than this "you don't need to be afraid, your big bro will always protect you, whether it's from Miklan or anyone else, ok? " I sniffle a bit, he always tried his best to shield me, this one time a girl he was dating started to insult me because I bumped into her, making her spill her coffee, he glared at her in a way that would scare nemesis himself, after that I've never seen that girl again

and whenever Miklan was angry at me for something I did he usually tried to take all the blame on himself, and hid me from him, he's the best brother I could have wished for

We Sylvain quickly called his wyvern and we reached Fraldarius' place, Glenn and Felix were already waiting for us, we must have been late

We landed next to them "we were starting to fear you forgot about us" said Glenn punching Sylvain's shoulder, but when Felix lifted his glare he saw me "hold up y/n, your eyes are red, are you ok?" It's weird, he usually doesn't care that much "Miklan was angry that we didn't invite him, we fled but he managed to grab me" I answer showing the ankle "luckily Sylvain kicked him off "

the two brothers listened carefully to my story " can you walk?" Asked Glenn looking worried, I looked at my ankle then. Ack at them as I shrugged "I don't know, let me try" so I got off my wyvern and stood up, but when I tried to balance my weight i winced in pain, at the sound of my voice all the group got a mini jumpscare, already imagining me face first into the snow, but I kept my balance well enough

"well, I can stand, but unless I wanna fall face flat on the snow doubt I can walk" the other look a bit disarmed by the calm tone of my voice, but they know it's not the first nor the worse attack.

My brother helped me up on my wyvern once again and after collecting Ingrid and Dimitri we head to the fortress in the northern mountains, that place to me and my brother is more than a Holliday place, it was our safe house, whenever Miklan harmed any of us we flew there and lived alone together, the only people we ever brought there were Felix, Glenn, Ingrid and Dimitri, they were the only one trusted enough to know the location

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