Dimitri x reader can we think about it later?

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The training was finally over, in the morning I worked on my healing magic, only to reach a C while after lunch I spent my time at the training ground with my class practicing my archery, I was never one for hand to hand combat, my sniper exam last week went perfectly so today I could take it a bit easier and rest more than I usually did

After my usual training alone I finally let my bow down on the holder on the right side of the training ground and headed to the middle again to look at the current challenge, Dimitri against Felix, sitting on one of the benches

Before the match started Dimitri noticed me and turned towards me sending me one of his heart warming smiles as he waved a bit, as I waved back at him my cheeks lit up on fire, he makes my heart flutter whenever we're together, Sothis only knew how lucky I was to have a boyfriend such as him

When Dimitri won Felix left the training ground, and since it was really late all the other students left, all but one, Dimitri

"Hey love, didn't see you there, do you need anything?" He asked "Yeah, this" I replied charging towards him in a flying hug attack, he threw aside his training lance aside before catching my waist, my arms instinctively hooked to the back of his neck, the height difference between us was so big I couldn't touch the ground "hope you're comfortable up there, cause I'm not letting go any time soon" he said leaving a kiss on my forehead " There's nowhere else I'd wanna be" I nuzzled my nose against his, as Dimitri sat on one of the stone benches still holding me close, we watched the sunset on Garreg mach

Later on we heard the bell of the cathedral, I had to give back a book to the library before the curfew "shoot, I have to return the strategy book!" I said shooting up "didn't you return it this morning?" "I forgot to, see you tomorrow!" I said waving and running out of the training ground

I got to my room, took the book and left, but as soon as I reached the garden between classes someone took my shoulders and shoved my head against the pillar, I left out a scream before an armoured hand blocked my mouth, after I opened my eyes once more I saw the death knight

When I tried to push him off he grabbed my neck, smashed my head against the pillar once more, tightening the grip on my neck, my vision went numb and my lungs started to burn, my arms were too weak to react and I couldn't move anymore, is this really how I die?

The grip on my neck broke completely, I saw a flash of blue before falling on my hands and knees breathing heavily, the only thing I heard was a voice " get your hands off of her, monster" Dimitri! His voice was filled with rage,Was he gonna fight the death knight?

Lifting my head I saw Dimitri slashing his silver lance against the death knight with a fury and strength I've never seen, but as I tried to move and get up my head felt heavy and I fell behind, sitting on the ground with my back leaning against the pillar as my consciousness faded, the last thing I saw was Dimitri snapping the death knight's sickle in half, hoping Dimitri wouldn't get hurt during the fight

I snapped back to my senses hearing a voice "y/n" I was hoping with all my heart that this voice wasn't just a dream, after blinking a few times I opened my eyes,"Dimitri" I replied with my voice so weak that it was barely audible, but still smiling, he was unharmed, that made me so relieved I barely felt the pain

"don't worry, I'm taking you to the infirmary " he said picking me up like I don't weigh anything and then just turned around "crap, infirmary is closed, we have to wait til tomorrow morning, I fear we'll have to stay in my room for the night" I just nodded, being alone is not even an option after what just happened

While reaching the room I slipped in and out of consciousness a whole lot of times, and flashbacks of what just happened weren't missing

When we finally reached Dimitri's room he sat me on his bed, locked the door and lit up a candle,as I tried to sit up straighter a wave of pain washed over my head making me drop laying down again "do you need any medication?" He asked worriedly, I shook my head and pull up the covers hoping it would stop my shaking

I could feel the mattress shifting down as Dimitri sat beside me " I'm not an expert in the matter but Manuela always sleeping with such a headache isn't a wise idea y/n" "I don't think I'll be able to sleep anyway" I said curling up against him, whatever happened in the past hour frightened me, and my still hurting neck wasn't helping at all, I started sobbing harshly as my body shook, I knew I was safe and I let my feelings out

As I cried on his shoulder he just held my trembling figure, softly patting my back, his hold on the back of my head was steady yet gentle "everything's alright, you're safe now" as he spoke I could feel every muscle in his body tensing, almost twitching "and I swear to you he'll pay for what he's done" at this sudden shift I lifted my head, and I saw anger washing over his features and voice, his icy cold ice were focused on an undefined place in the room, and filled with fury "I will find those monsters" he was starting to space out, it's the first time I see him like that, he was starting to scare me a bit "Dimitri..." I just said, apparently this was all it took for him to snap out of it, in less than a second he panicked looking at me "I'm sorry y/n, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking straight" he held onto me for dear life, shaking as much as I was

"I'm sorry if I lost it, being so close to lose you..."I knew about the tragedy of duscar, everyone he cared about died, he was left alone, for years he was afraid that if he started to care deeply about anyone they would have died, he expressed this fear to me only once, I was the first girlfriend he ever had and one of the few he trusted enough to talk about his fears "hey, look at me, I'm safe and sound, and it's thanks to you!" I held his shoulders in an attempt to stay still, and looked him deeply in the eyes "I can we think about revenge later, I still am afraid, yet I feel safe in your arms, can we stay like this a little while longer?"

"Of course, I'm yous for as long as you wish" he said holding me close once more my body was still limp against his, my head rested against his chest, I could feel his heartbeat, it was still erratic from what happened, his arms were wrapped around my shoulders and lower back "your hugs are always the best"

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