Shamir x reader

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Gender: male
Request: The789Guy

"Come on y/n, what could possibly go wrong , just go there and ask her out already!" Caspar said pushing me towards the training ground, where my long time (five year to be precise) crush was currently training "Cas no, you know that I'm worse than Hubert with that shit, and when I get nervous I start stuttering and, and..." "cut that out, just go! You practiced for months, you even asked advices to Sylvain! Now either you go and ask her out or I'm gonna do that for you " Dorothea said already on her way to the door "alright! I'll go!" I answered stopping my friend from doing something I would have killed her for, and without saying goodbye I walked to my death cursing myself for not being able to hide my apparent crush for a knight of fucking Seiros.

And boom, before I even knew it she was there, in front of me, aiming at a target, as per usual, I cleared my throat, and she turned, instinctively aiming the bow in my direction, I jumped back and raised my hands. As soon as she saw me Shamir lowered her bow "sorry y/n, you caught me off guard, need anything? Are ya here to training with me?" She asked, I was in full panic "yeha, I mean no, errr... I think I ... perhaps you could... how do you feel about..." after a few seconds my mind went fully blank, no thoughts just buzzing "y/n, are you ok? " she asked taking a step forward "no, I mean, yeha, oh fuck it I don't know anymore" I pinched the bridge of my nose at my incapacity to speak but as I looked up from my hand I saw something I would have never expected, she was chuckling "y/n, I got you, really " my heart skipped a beat "you do?" "Did you really think I couldn't hear you and your friends? Come on you were basically screaming, for a hot second I feared even Seteth could hear you" I was positively dead inside, she knew, I was fucked, only one thing came to my mind, apologising "I'm sorry" she looked at me confused "sorry? you don't need to be sorry, I actually do like you too, did you already have a date in mind?" Frozen in place, I had to shake my head before actually realising what happened "you are? I mean sure! Well maybe a teatime together, tomorrow if you'd like" "of course, see ya tomorrow, I gotta go"

Fast forward a few months, Edelgard declared war to the church of Seiros, I was afraid Shamir, as a knight of Seiros, would end up fighting against us, but she didn't, she stood by our side. We resisted, defending garreg mach from bandits, former knights and the kingdom army for five years, before our former professor joined our strike force and helped us finally putting a stop to those hellish years of war, to help foldland live in peace again.

We thought that after the end of the war everything would quiet down, but there was still much turmoil with those who slither in the dark, Shamir bumped my shoulder "let's get this done with, I've got you covered " "thanks, but stay safe back there" I replied bumping her shoulder back, if we succede we probably won't have any more battles for quite a while, probably enough time too propose...

I have been wanting to do this for a long time, but I wanted it to be perfect and I hadn't found the perfect moment yet, I needed to stop thinking about it, the last enemy resistance, our last fight, we could not fail here.

Progressing through the battlefield I often glanced back, to make sure that the enemy wasn't trying to attack us from behind, luckily on that side every was clear, Shamir's eyes suddenly drifted towards me as she pulled out her bow and aimed straight at me, I was stunned, couldn't even dodge, in an instant the arrow flew inches away from my neck, missing me for a heartbeat and planting itself in the neck of an enemy who crept up behind me, the sniper and former knight rushed up to me "are you hurt?" She asked, I just shook my head "good, then focus, if you die here  I... never mind, just focus, we'll talk later " Looking at her face, her eyes, I couldn't let myself fall now, I had to survive, we had to win.

Thales went down, we won, we reached garreg mach in record time, not wanting to stay in that filth of shambala a second longer, the others finally left us alone "how are you feeling  ?" I asked Shamir holding her as close as i could "I should be asking you that! You almost got yourself killed! You're a dumbass!"she punched my shoulder, I smirked, this exaggerated reaction was not not typical of her "I love you too" I took a few steps back "I didn't mean to upset you, you mean the world to me" my hand reached for the hidden pocked where I had the ring "and besides if I died in that pit I wouldn't be able to ask this of you" I knelt down "will you make me the happiest dumbass in the world and marry me?"

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