Sylvain x reader- A snowy holliday in farghus

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(P.s I want to do this format with most of the blue lions boys because I feel like this is the main activity in Farghius, and I'm ready to bet Dimitri, Felix, Sylvain, Ingrid and maybe even Glenn would be very good at both skiing and ice skating )

Skii:Dimitri Sylvain y/n, Felix
Snowboard:Glenn Ingrid

"Come on y/n, it's gonna be fun" my brother said trying to convince me to join him and the others for their week Holliday  at the usual hut, in the northern territory "I don't know Di, I don't know, it would be the first time we go without parents..." I'm afraid that if something happens we might be in danger "don't worry, if all our parents agreed on leaving us alone means that they think we've grown enough, and plus we're almost all knight, we all can protect ourselves" I tried to shake off that small fear, after all Glenn and Sylvain by now are officially knights, and I'm about to become one...

"You're right, alright, I'll come too, we don't ski since that time you..." referring to that time when he tried snowboarding and broke the board stomping too hard on it  "please stop, don't remind me, it's all the crest's fault!" He says so, but we have the same crest and nothing like this has ever happened to me

"By the way, we leave tomorrow, we'll travel with Pegasus and wiverns, the snow is too much to ride horses, prepare the bag, see you later!" Says my brother leaving my room, now the problem is what to bring?

Warm and comfy clothes are my first choice of course and from what I remember I  should bring sporty stuff too, I shouldn't bring anything elegant right? Well, maybe I could bring just one, just in case, actually two, I'll have to lend one to Ingrid, since if we'll need them she sure as hell won't have any, gloves, a scarf, and the whistle to call my pegasus.

Looking for something I just found the hat Sylvain gave me during our last Holliday together, back then we were playing hide and seek, but I forgot my hat, he saw me sniffling, so he took off his hat, and putting it on my head he said 'here, feel better now?' I smiled and nodded, when the match was over I was about to give the hat back, but he insisted I kept it, just saying 'don't worry, keep it, it looks better on you anyway ' what a beautiful memory, he's always been really sweet, or at least before he started dating every girl that looks in his direction, or at least every girl except me.

I know having a crush on him is childish, but what else can I do? Press the 'don't be in love with him ' button...
Wait, this week the six of us will be alone, Sylvain won't bring any other girl, we're gonna be far from our parents, and far from Miklan, I have the perfect chance to shoot my arrow, oh the sun is setting, guess it's time for dinner

I sat at the table, next to my brother, when father and lady Patricia sat in front of us, during dinner we usually talk a lot and it doesn't take too long to get to our vacation we spent the whole lunch listening to the stories about dad's adventures on the snow

"Wake up y/n, we need to leave, the others are here" Dimitri said knocking on the door of my room, little did he know I was already awake and ready, and with a bit of makeup too "I'm ready, i'm ready!" I answer picking my bag and walking out, we both head to the balcony and see our four friends waiting for us "mornin' guys " Dimitri said waving to the others "good morning to you" Sylvain politely answered from his wivern, my brother and I used our whistles to call our wiverns, and with the others leading the way we reached the the small hut-like fortress

"Here we are, since here the snow always blocks the stables it has a place for the Pegasus and wiverns, it's on the right side of the roof " says Sylvain as he led the way and landed to show us, then we proceeded to land, as the orange-haired and Glenn helped the rest of us down

There was no need of tours since we've been there many times before "alright, the rooms on the second floor are all free, during winter this place is always free, so ladies and gentlemen, we'll be completely alone" "means that we'll have to cook, right?" I ask "yes, it will be fun!" Ingrid said, already daydreaming about her favourite foods "before we need to settle into our rooms" Glenn says with his bag still in hand "you can chose whichever you want, we'll meet each other in the dining hall in half an hour, unless you ladies need more time" Ingrid and I watch each other, we wanted to move two beds in a room to stay together, but we can do it in 30 mins " to us it's fine" I answer with a bright smile, I think I saw him blush a bit, but guess I was just imagining that, so Ingrid and I leave, with the help of my magic we bring the bed into the larger room, and settle down, to then head to the hall, and sit at the table together.

In a minute we se the guys arriving with their boards and skis, "let's go, staying inside is boring " says Felix who 100% wants to challenge me on the 'death path' the hardest path on that mountain, we all head out and get ready when Sylvain stops me "wait y/n is that the hat I gave you?" He asked almost surprised "yep, it's really warm, and it brings back memories" I say holding it, just on my ears, he lifted his hands touching the fabric " you look really good with that, even better than how you used to" " Sylvain, get your ass here, it's time for the challenge, and y/n you too"

We reach him and my brother, Ingrid gets closer to us lifting a napkin like in car races "ready, set... GO" she says while we start. I'm first, followed by Felix, the others aren't that close, the final slalom between trees is as hard as ever, but I manage to pass it unharmed and not even two seconds before Felix, the others arrive a bit later, we sit in the snow relaxing, when the two lovebirds reaches us we create two snow trenches, and started a snowball fight, i'm with my brother and Felix, he probably chose the boar because he didn't want his brother and Ingrid

"I'm going on a sneak attack, cover me" I said taking a whole bunch of snowballs and heading for the left side of their fort, but as I get closer someone grabs me by my waist and drags me to the other side of the snow-made barricade and still holding me tight he sets was both laying on the snow "gotcha princess! Now you're mine~" Sylvain said smirking, I struggle to hide my completely red cheeks "if you want a real war, then who am I to deny " I answered in the evilest tone I can, he's not ready for what I'm about to do...

"Sylvain! Get your hands off my waist!" I say pretending to be irritated to then let him a wink and a playful smile that basically means 'good luck trying to survive after my brother gets into overprotective mode' not even a millisecond later an angry Dimitri appears, destroying the barricades "SYLVAIN, I'M GONNA KILL YOU" the orange haired knight, noticing just then his hands have moved during the impact, blushes, apologies, and then starts to run for his life "shee y/n, that was a good move" Glenn says laughing "you wanna watch the world burn" added Felix "nah, if I really did i wouldn't have said waist, I would have said other spots"

We all laughed, luckily Dimitri wasn't THAT angry, so Sylvain is still alive, and before we even know it's lunch time, and we have to head back and eat, cooking was a bit of a challenge but it was still funny, we managed to have burgers and fries without burning ourselves with the oil, and we sat together at the table "guys look outside! It's a snow storm!" Ingrid says while pointing at the window "guess we're stuck in here" Felix says bored "what can we do in here?" I ask, hoping that Sylvain had something funny to do "well for tonight I planned something so I suggest to have a small bath, the baths are on the first floor"

After the guys came back Sylvain set the box of the old game and we all chose our elite, Sylvain got his own, Glenn got fraldarius, Felix Dominic, Ingrid Daphel, and since Dimitri wanted the bladdyd I chose nemesis " alright, it's basically risiko, but every time one of your territories gets conquered you have to do a dare, nothing too boring, but nothing illegal or impossible " we decided to start with Felix and go clockwise, the first lost territory was Ingrid's, she had to stay in high heels for all the evening

since Felix left part of his territories uncovered I attacked him and won more than easily, and I was quiet evil with him, while ingrid braided his hair I did his makeup, he's sooooo mad, but there's nothing he can do about it

After a pair of rounds Glenn is wearing his clothes half upfront, Dimitri has a small ink boar drawn on his leg, Sylvain shirtless, but I'm still unharmed, at least for now "I'm attacking nemesis' army, in Garreg mach territory" I got only one unit Sylvain says, in that territory I have just two units, unfortunately he wins " truth, do you have a crush on anyone, and if you do, who is he?"  I'm lucky my brother's at the restroom right now "actually Sylvain, I've had a crush on someone for a long time, and it's you, happy now ?" I say with in pure and utter embarrassment "sorry, I'll be on my way" I say leaving my spot, and heading towards the balcony.

The cold wind seems to be singing a lullaby, and the cold snow lands on my arms making me shiver a bit, I was born in farghius, I was used to the cold and the snow, it helped me clear my mind, but when I think I'm alone I feel a warm cape wrapping around my shoulders, with a pair of arms alongside it "I'm sorry for what happened" Sylvain said letting go and facing me, he was still shirtless for the game "no, I'm sorry, it was just a game and I was being childish" I answered sitting on the railings "was it ALL a game? Were you telling the truth?" He asked unsure of the answer "it's true, I've had a crush on you for a while, but you were always with other girls and i didn't know how to bring it up, do you feel the same?" Not a single word was spoken, I was in his arms once again deeply kissing him

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