Stahl x reader-the letter

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I woke up to the sounds of the bells ringing, it was early morning, I usually don't wake up that early, so I sat inside my room in Ystol's castle, reading the letters my maid left on my bedside table, everything seemed normal, until the last letter...

Dear Y/n,
I've been thinking about you,
I'm really glad to know someone like you, you can lighten up the darkest situations with just a few words
And whenever we fight together you never lose your nerve, no matter how dire the situation may be,
I've really grown to admire your bravery and wisdom, would you like to meet me at the castle's rooftop today at sunset?
Yours, Stahl

Running up and down the large halls of the castle I was looking for my sister Emm, but she was nowhere to be seen, only then I remembered that she had something to do in town outside the castle and that she wouldn't be back until tomorrow... shit, I couldn't wait that long for a love advice! The note said this evening at sunset!

Right! I could ask Lissa, she should be good at this too, and in less than one minute I found myself knocking on her door violently "Y/n, what are you doing here? " she answered still half asleep "Liz, I need an advice, it's about feelings " at those words she fully woke up and seemed super excited "about love? Finally, I thought you'd find love when Chrom agreed to keep an armour that covered his shoulder! Come in, Who is he? Does he know? Does anyone know? You better spill the tea!"

Oh my, NOW i remember why I didn't want to tell her anything ... too late to turn back I guess "there's not much to spill, but the guy I'm talking about is stahl, I have a crush on him, and he sent me a letter asking me to meet him today on the rooftop, what should this mean?" Liz looked at me as if I just asked her what's 2+2 "Y/n, he basically invited you on a date!" A date? A DATE? I almost passed out at those words "Y/n,wake up, we need to get ready" she said enthusiastically "no liz, I have training with the others, can't we do this whole glam up thing after lunch?" I asked, not wanting to run or do hand to hand combat with makeup "ok, relax, come in my room after lunch, Mariebelle and I are gonna turn this sleepyhead into a sleeping beauty " so I thanked her and went to grab something to eat before training.

After eating a small sandwich I went to the training ground and grab by W/p(weapon of your choice) and start practicing against a dummy I stopped when I heard a familiar voice "Y/n, are you training today?" It's him, it's Stahl! Think fast, act normal! "Hi Stahl, yes, I train every day" "sorry, I thought you were out with lady Emmeryen, whenever she goes out of the castle you're always with her" ok, so what do I answer now, why is easier talking him in battle than now! "Well, usually I would, but yesterday I had to stay up late to sign some documents, so she told me to stay, and rest " then a sentence leaves my mouth without my consent "do you want to spar?" Oh shit, I didn't say that, he answered right away "sure, let's go"

And so we fought for almost three hours straight, at least fighting keeps my mind busy, not letting me think about my current crush, when we got tiered we stopped and went to the canteen getting something to eat for lunch, remembering I had to go to Lissa's room I got up "now I need to go, see you later Sthal" he had his mouth still full, so he waved at me.

As soon as I entered my sister's room Marie closed the door behind me, and I saw that the two of them unleashed all their beauty cases and brought there the few dresses I had in my wardrobe, plus all my sister's dresses, and don't get me started on the high heels they brought out "girls, don't you think it's a bit too much, we don't even know if it's a date" "of course it is Y/n, and now hold still, choose a dress while I curl your hair!" My sister commanded, I chose the f/c one, long, and sleeveless, but I noticed right away that all the dresses had a problem, and quite big "Liz, with that dress I can't wear the belt where I keep my dagger and sword, I can't just walk around with no weapons, it's stupid!" But Marie apparently had an answer for that "It's not stupid, it's romantic" "is it romantic being a walking target? " I ask quiet upset "do you trust your knight in shining armour?" And after that I just nod, letting the two stylists do their work.

When they're done it's almost sunset so I start walking towards the rooftop

Stahl POV

I sat near the training ground thinking what did Y/n mean by see you later, maybe she wanted to keep training?i don't know, this morning she sounded nervous, what was she thinking about, I hope she is alright

"WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING HERE" I almost had a fright, it was a very angry Mariebelle, "and where else would I be?" I ask her confused "you should be on your date with Y/n now! It's almost sunset!" Wait date? I should be on a date with Y/n? As much as I'd love it i don't know "I'm not supposed to go on any date, is this some kind of joke?" She still looked shocked "you sent her a letter asking her to meet you on the rooftop at sunset!" "No, I didn't"
But there's a bigger problem, if I didn't send anything and she thought it was me... "wait Marie, this could be a trap, she could be in danger!"I grabbed my spear and sword and ran upstairs, hoping Y/n was alright.

Y/n's POV

While walking I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong, when I reached the rooftop I realised that if he thought I was out with Emm until tomorrow why ask me to meet him today?

Shit, that was a trap, five plegian soldiers surrounded me, how could I be so stupid! And now I was in high heels and unarmed, surrounded by enemies... I was already dead, but even in this conditions refusing fo fight is out of the question

I tried to resist as much as I could but they eventually blocked me, with my arms behind my back, but suddenly the soldier that was holding me fell to the ground, dead, and someone stood in front of me, shielding me from the opponents "Y/n, are you alright?" That voice! He was Stahl! "Y-yes " I answered stuttering "good, don't worry, I can handle this" he just started to fight whoever got close to us, until all the enemies were dead, I hadn't moved a muscle, the soldier's arms were still wrapped around me, freeing from the grip was really difficult due to Rigor mortis so Stahl kneeled to my level and helped me out of that human trap, "did anyone harm you? Do you need an healer?" He asked helping me up and looking around for bruises or cut "I'm alright, don't worry, but now let's get back inside, it's getting cold" he almost immediately wrapped his arms around me while walking back in, I sat next to a window while he sat right next to me.

"When Mariebelle told me about the letter, and that you were waiting for me on the rooftop I nearly had a fright" he said hugging me "I guess she told you about the date, I know now I must sound like an idiot" I answered with a bitter laugh, he broke the hug, looking me in the eyes "no, of course you don't" how can he set me at ease with just two words " here, today has been really stressful,what do you think about getting a tea together to relax? "that offer made me smile "is this a real date?" I asked jokingly "perhaps..."

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