Pj party with the black eagles 4 Hubert x reader

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Gender: female
Warnings: none
Small comment: the song is called 'the grand finale' by set it off

"Hubie, I know you have feelings for Edelgard, stop lying to me!" Dorothea said trying to make me confess my feelings, i was actually quite interested by someone, but what she didn't know was that that someone was not Edelgard

"Dorothea for the last time I'm not interested in lady Edelgard like that, and now, if you excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to" as I try to turn and leave with Dorotheastill following me I hear a soft voice
"~ He plants his feet remaining still
A front row seat to incomparable thrill
Reflecting on anything he had ever craved ~"
oh crap, everything but that, everything but y/n's voice

"~ The sunrise never seemed so sweet,
Entranced by the final ocean breeze,
As the world beneath him starts to s...
oh sorry guys, I came by to give back a strategy book" she said a bit embarrassed "oh, don't be sorry dear, your voice was angelic, maybe you could join me singing sometimes!" Replied the songstress with her usual playful tone, the first comment that came to my mind was 'run now that you still have a chance y/n', but I kept it for me

"Maybe, but while I'm at it I wanted to ask Humbert about tonight's sleepover"my head turned towards her as I coldly spoke "it's a normal sleepover, having one when a new student joins it's a tradition old as time, the only things you'll have to bring are a sheet and a pillow, the rest is already done"

"Alright, see you later!" She said waving at the both of us while running out of the classroom, she stumbled on a not uniform section of the floor, instinctively I instinctively had a fright, luckily she managed to stay on her two feet and keep walking away

Dorothea turned towards me covering her mouth with her hands, and jumping for some odd reason "dear goddess, it's not Edelgard you like, it's y/n" these words were completely unexpected, the only reaction I had was an odd "what?" How the hell did she find out?!? "If anyone in the whole world stumbled and was about to fall like that you would have your usual evil grin, but when y/n did you almost had a fright, it was the first time I fucking saw you flinch, not even with Edelgard! Oh, that must be a serious..." but before she could finish her sentence in any other odd way I cut her off "I swear on this nonexistent goddes that if you tell anyone I will dispose of you" and saying this I leave that class

why this? Why now? This situation is highly unprofessional... Plus with what we're planning to do against the church we'll have no way to know if she'll stand by us


Ok, I made myself a fool in front of Hubert again, why can't I ever find him alone and tell him all the truth

Tell him that I know the truth that lies behind this place, tell him that Me joining the monastery was merely a way to help El ending this corrupted institution, I know he might think that it's a lie since he's almost never away from her, but he needs to know I'm on his side, he needs to know he can trust me

Oh shoot, it's almost time to meet up with the others, let's go, we should meet in about ten minutes in front of Edelgard's room, knocking on her door, a tall figure opened up instead of her "good to see you aren't late" he said even at me "I've always been taught punctuality means respect, are the others here?" I asked looking around, he seemed a bit shocked by my answer "no, it's just you, i and lady Edelgard " perfect, this is my chance to tell him

"Y/n, y/n, you zoomed out" "sorry, I just needed to tell you something, it's really important " give a quick glance to Edelgard who says " actually we need to talk" at this point I could see past his poker face, he was terrified, the three of us entered the room and locked the door behind us, Edelgard was the first to talk " I haven't told you this because I was afraid Reha was listening, but y/n knows, and she's actually here to help us " the house leader said making the mage's eyes shoot wide open in surprise "wait do you mean ..." without even letting him finish his sentence she rolled her eyes "yes, she can be trusted, now I need to get something I forgot in my room, have fun"

he was even more shocked at this statement and when Edelgard left he looked at me, moving a step towards me, he was so close I swear I was sweating, at this point "I would have told you this sooner but Reha was controlling my every move" and after my sentence I swear I've seen him with a tint of blush on his cheeks "y/n..."

The door opened again and Edelgard's head appeared behind the door "good greif just kiss already, are you both so oblivious that you didn't notice your huge crushes on each other? Please just start dating, I hope it will reduce the cringey tension around you and help you work better" and having said that she left us alone again

If Hubert was blushing before now he probably was about to implode, even if I wasn't any better that sight made me giggle the sight of the grim Hubert usually intimidating and emotionless looked embarrassed, like the face of any other lover boy, no, who am I kidding he loooked better than any other lover boy in the whole world

"So, the truth's out, how about we get a coffee and enjoy the small amount of free time we'll have before ' the grand finale' ?" Hubert said referring to the song I was singing before, sheesh, he knew the song...

"I'd..." the door slammed open and a blue haired figure ran inside holding a pillow and threw it towards us we both dodged, and I saw Hubert glare at Caspar, if a glare could kill Cas would be dead by now, I was just hoping he didn't hear any of what we said earlier, luckily he didn't, when the door opened again we saw Dorothea and Edelgard coming in side by side along with the rest of the class, looking at us the future empress and the songstress smirk at us, they knew...

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