Jealous Xander x reader (request) do i get to tease you?

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Gender: female
Request: AlicePastore3
Comment: think I made it kinda fluff

I was chatting with Laslow, as I often did, when he remembered he was assigned to do the stable duty, so he wondered off, leaving me alone in the hallway

A figure moved towards me, hugging me "good evening little princess" "Xander!" I answered happily, he was just back from a long trip at Shiganshi's castle to solve some paperwork problems with Hinoka, I should have been with him, but at the last moment I caught a cold and had to stay home "I missed you Xander" I said closing my eyes and snuggling my head to his chest "I did too, and I'm glad to see you're fully healed now, I was really worried" I just giggled

We started walking aimlessly through the hallways of the palace when a voice interrupted us "y/n, I found it! It was..." Leo said before lifting his head from the map and looking at us "not even two seconds after your arrival and you lovebirds are already glued..." he said facepalming "anyways, I found the maps that can help us find where and how father made the monsters he sent against Hoshido, come to the library, y/n we need to analyse them" he said gesturing to the library "I'm coming too" Xander said "are you sure brother? Isn't it better for you to rest, from Hoshido to here is a really long journey " Leo said "no worries Leo, I'm not tired, let's go"

We sat on some of the armchairs around the fire, as we often do in winter, and started analysing map after map, Leo and Oldin walked to the next shelf to grab another book, leaving us alone with Niles

Xander POV

I never liked Niles, as pervert as he is I wonder how Leo can stand him, he and y/n have grown to be friends during the war, and that quite scares me

I know he's a dumbass, but I also know he's skilled with flirting and stuff like that, and i have absolutely zero experience in that, I've never been good at such trivial and mondane stuff until I realised I had a crush on y/n.

To say it concisely I'm afraid he might steal y/n away from me, I'm well aware this is childish and I'll try to hold it in as much as I can, the last thing I want is her thinking I'm a super jealous boyfriend

"Lady y/n, you came to rescue us from the piles of paper?" He said "yep, and I also brought the chevaliery" he turned towards me as if alarmed for a split second, before coming back to himself again"good evening lord Xander"

While looking at different maps I couldn't help but look over at y/n, she was really focused on her work, niles sometimes tried to start a chat, but y/n was too busy to even answer, much to my relief

Niles slammed his map on the table "think I found something" here he said pointing at it, y/n lifted her head "where should it be exactly?" She asked motioning with her hand around the vague area he described

Niles took y/n's hand moving it across the map pointing at a dumb swamp, I glared at him "no, it's not that one, it should be OBVIOUS" I remarked taking y/n's hand away from the archer, she turned towards me a bit confused, but shook it off "you're right, there goes nothing, we have to wait for the other maps" she said, I glared at Niles

Leo stormed in "We found the right one, we just have to examine the structure and secure it before the monsters start roaming free" so y/n shifted a bit closer to the pile of papers "where do we start?" "That's a job we can do on our own, go and rest guys, you both had a tiering day" he said, y/n wanted to stay and help a bit more, but when I saw her yawn and stretch her arms we decided to leave

Y/n's POV

On the way to our room we were silent, I was thinking about what happened earlier, couldn't it be jealousy? Impossible! The curiosity was eating me alive "Xander, about earlier..." "Let's not talk about it love" he said as his cheeks went slightly redder than usual "no way, you really were jealous!" He sighed a bit and stepped into our room as we closed the door behind us, he went completely red and completely silent, he sat on our bed, running a hand trough his hair stressed,

"Hey " I said squatting in front of him with a sweet smile on my face "what's wrong? We can talk about it" his tense shoulders relaxed a bit at my words "Why did you say yes when I asked you to be my girlfriend even though I'm so hopeless at love?" His question was a bit odd, but the answer was one and one alone "because I love you, who made you think you're hopeless?" He was somehow confused "when I see how Niles acts around you I kind of fear that you'd see he's way more experienced than me"

This made me widen my eyes in surprise, how could he even think Niles had any chance to be compared to him?

I took his face in my hands and pressed my forehead on his "Xander, look at me, who was the one person that always came to visit me at Windmire, Who trained with me since I was old enough to remember, and stood by my side the nights I wasn't able to sleep, was it you or Niles? Because that counts so much more than some shitty pick up lines to me"

We lay on our bed on our sides, still facing each other

"I love you y/n..."
"I love you too Xander..."


"Does that mean now I get to tease you and your jealous ass?" "Not if I hush you up first" he said kissing me deeply, I missed spending the night in his arms

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