Byleth x reader sitting ducks* (request)

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Gender: female
Request: _blueberrywaffleton_
Words: 1316
Tw: none
It's been a while since the black eagle's strike force eliminated Reha, and since Edelgard already had enough to do with the former territories of the kingdom and alliance, so she entrusted Garreg Mach and a fraction of the eastern territories to one of her most trusted allies, Byleth, was a man of many talents being born as a mercenary, become a teacher and fought a war, and he managed to do become the best in every single one of these fields, but he never had to manage a state, for the first time he had a job that involved little to no fighting and a lot of paperworks, I could clearly see that the job made a number on him, he was starting to look like he did before coming to Garreg Mach, I couldn't stand idly and watch the one person I held dear slowly coming back to the apathetic man he used to be

My plan was simple, sneak him out of the fortress just before dusk, go on a long ride and spend the night stargazing, the horses were ready, I even packed some dinner for the both of us, everything was ready, now I just need to rip him off of the desk and go.
After knocking an receiving a cold "come in" for an answer I ran to him, hugging him  "By!" it was a small nickname only I used for him, he lifted his head and cheered up "y/n, I missed you" he said hugging back after the initial shock, i tugged on the pen in his hand to try and stop him from going back to work "I missed you too" he closed the book on his desk using one of the paper-sheets as a bookmark "I'm sorry I've been a bit distant lately, but there's still much work to be done and it's harder that I thought"  Byleth sighed, moving his gaze from the desk to me, he gave me the perfect opening "and that's why I planned a little date for us, follow me!" I said as I held his arms and dragged him through the halls of Garreg mach.

We rushed out so fast that we forgot to change into comfier clothes and still with our cerimonial swords, so we reached the horses and fled to the forest, heading towards the top of a small hill,  where trees didn't obscure the vision and the old fortress could be seen from afar, in all its beauty, twilight was upon us, the atmosphere was magical to say the least, it was midsummer and the cool breeze of the evening ruffle up our hair. We decided to stop at that panoramic spot, and eat there "amazing, how did you find this place?" Byleth asked awestruck, I was so happy to see his face expressing something different from the usual boredom "I was hunting, when I saw a deer running in this direction, I followed it and suddenly found myself here" I scooted closer to him, and rested my hand on his "I've seen you stressed out lately, and I thought this could be a safe heaven for you, for us, somewhere to escape when things get tough" he smiled at me, pulling me closer and kissing my forehead "i love you" 

It was quiet late when we decided to head back to the former monastery, we were riding in the middle of the dark woods, everything was calm, almost too calm, a yell rang through the air "charge!" bandits coming from behind the trees surrounded the two of us, and they were closing in, there was no way to escape the circle, not even on horseback, I took a brief look at Byleth, who just pulled out his sword "I'll take the axe ones on the left, focus on the lances, let's hope they were not smart enough to bring snipers" i nod and dismount for a better mobility, but swinging my w/p I can't help but think it's been a while since I've seen this determined look in Byleth's eyes.

I knocked two of them down as the third one came at me, I blocked, this one was different, stronger than the others, the w/p I was carrying snapped in half forcing me to take a step back, I pulled out the dagger I kept in the back of my belt, and as the bandit charged I went for his arm, disarming him, but just when I went in for the kill I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, an arrow, only few seconds later a second arrow flew straight at my head, I barely dodged it on time, it only gazed my cheek before planting itself in a tree next to me, they actually were smart enough to have snipers.

Byleth was done with his side and came to support me, covering my back as I used the time that the sniper spent recharging to locate him and take him down, steal his bow and shoot an enemy who was about to sneak up on Byleth, By turned around worried that I didn't manage to take down the archer, but took a shighed in relief when he saw me, we were finally done, he rushed up to check on me "are you hurt? Is everything alright?" I brushed a strain of hair out of my face and answered "my shoulder, I think it needs stitches" I said, reaching for the arrow still sticking in my shoulder and pulled it out he immediately, Byleth held me close, trying to inspect the wound in the darkness "we need to head back to the monastery, can you ride?" "We have to be quick, now that the adrenaline is still kicking in" to be honest it was already starting to ware off, but this wouldn't stop me from riding back home.

Once back to the fortress's stables I tried to dismount and realised that I wasn't used to it anymore, during the war I considered shit light, but it seems my pain resistance has worsened really much, as I landed a wave of pain washed over all my body, my balance failed "should I take this as I sign that the adrenaline wore off?" By asked helping me up "Yeha, it's pretty late, but the lights in the infirmary are still on, there's probably someone" we both laughed when we saw the shade of a drunk Manuela still with a wine bottle appeared in the window, and against my better judgment I thought it wasn't the right time to disturb her (more like I don't think that getting stitches done by a drunk healer is the best thing ) "I don't think it's a good idea to go to the infirmary now" "I agree, there's a medic kit in my study, I can patch it up for you, how does it sound?" I just shuffled up closer to him " sounds good "

Everyone was asleep, the halls were quiet, we reached Byleth's study pretty fast, only one thing came to my mind as I saw his eyes now focused on my wound "I haven't seen this side of you in a long time" he lifted his eyes and looked at me "we haven't had a real battle since Reha's death, it felt odd shifting to fighter mode, would you be mad if I said it almost felt good?" "I couldn't possibly be mad at you for something I felt too, it was like waking up after a long sleep, almost like coming back to life" we both stood there, stunned by what we just said, I shrugged it off, when did we become such sitting ducks? "we should start training more often, some action is very much needed" I suggested "perhaps, but not with your shoulder in this condition"

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