Byleth x reader detective on the case(modern au)

77 2 10

Gender: f
Requested by: me, myself and i
Word count:969
Tw: shooting
A/n: been sick these days and I've started writing a bit again, sooo, hope you enjoy this shorter one

It was a normal occurrence for me, the head forensic of Garreg Mack's department, the crime rate had always been low in the area considering we were speaking about a rich religious city that hosted the most famous officer's academy of all Foldland, some of the officers in the department were also professors, much like Byleth, who stood beside me, as we reached the crime scene together

By and I had started dating only recently and kept it a secret, a potential relationship between us would have been allowed by the department's rules, we just wanted to give it a shot before making everything official, but even in what most people would define a 'honeymoon fase' he wasn't too big on expressing his feelings, not by speaking that is, his love language is physical contact and little kisses, of course only behind closed doors.

"do you think it's always those who slither in the dark?" Byleth asked me, it seemed all the crimes in the last month were not just linked but committed by the same group of people, whoever they were they signed many of them and started to challenge the department, they got bolder and bolder in their challenges, whoever they are they almost completely obsessed with challenging Byleth directly, and not simply because he was the detective responsible for the case, I truly was worried about him...

"we're gonna understand it from the modus operandi, as always" I said, now looking at the body, then back at my colleague "it's them, there's no doubt about it..." the victim was different from the others, it looked like she defended herself... an idea suddenly struck my mind "she might have dna traces under the nails!" I said, just as I noticed something sticking out of the victim's pocket, a note? I read it out loud, surprised
"Tell me, detective Byleth, how do you feel about bringing your little girlfriend to her death?"

Shootings from afar could be heard, Byleth pulled me along with him towards an alleyway out of their trajectory, laying cover fire as we ran, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my knee, almost making me fall over, screaming in pain, Byleth was quick to pull me close, lifted me up and carried me until we reached the safe spot, he gently put me down "where were you hit?" He asked as he knelt down beside me "left knee, I'm afraid it damaged my ligament, the bleeding's bad and there's no exit wound" I said through gritted teeth trying to apply pressure, he slid off his belt and handed it to me "use it as a tourniquet, I'm gonna make sure they don't reach us"  he said, calling for help on his radio and laying more cover fire to ensure our safety, I flinched, blocking the circulation as best as I could

Reinforcements arrived to secure he shooting stopped and the ambulance arrived, Byleth helped the paramedics to pick me up and stood by my side all the way to operating room, he didn't say a word as he held my hand, tracing gentle circles against my knuckles with his thumb, and brushing my hair out of my face, I could clearly read worry in his eyes, increasing at each and every flinch I made.

It was a simple enough operation, the bullet had gazed the ligament without damaging it but caused my rotula a micro fracture, I could walk with crutches and a cast.

As I thanked the doctor and shuffled out to the waiting room, where Byleth was pacing back and forth, evidently agitated, as soon as our eyes met he rushed to me and hugged me "for a second I thought I lost you" he whispered in my ear, "well, you found me now" I smiled goofily, I still felt a bit dazed due to the anaesthesia, Byleth looked down at me, his gaze softening for a second "let's get you back home, you look tired" he said, walking beside me as I shuffled forwards, I never had to use crutches so I was a bit slow, Byleth noticed I was lagging behind "do you need help?" I looked up at him a bit embarrassed about struggling at something this simple "well, kinda, it's the first time I use crutches"

Byleth easily managed to lift me up by the waist, we reached his car and drove back at my place, he delicately let me down on the couch, locking the door and closing the blinds, that's when I put two and two together "they didn't catch the shooters, did they?" Byleth sighed, checking the windows one last time "no, they're still on the lose" he sat beside me "I could have put up with them and their constant changes but this..." he said, in a worried tone, his hand was warm on mine.

I suddenly remembered something, I pulled out the rolled up belt from my pocket "that's yours, doc said it probably saved my life, besides i'm content enough with stealing hoodies from you" I said pulling myself up to sit in front of him, I cuddled closer to him "thanks for the quick save, you know, thinking back you did really look badass" and that's when I saw a really rare sight, a smiling (and a bit flustered) Byleth "no need to thank me, you did the trinket yourself, besides it's been a long day, you should rest now" I leaned my head on his shoulder "By... can you stay the night? I feel safer around you" he stroke my hair gently and kissed my forehead "of course"

"By, can you promise me something?" I asked, looking up at his deep cerulean eyes "Promise me we will solve this case together?" "I promise "

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