Ashe x reader(request) are you my knight?

112 3 4

Gender: female
Requested by: SezeSully
Word count: 1932
Tw: none

Ashe's pov

The mission was simple, we had to raid a ruined fortress full of bandits, they were disorganised and unprepared, the attack was relatively easy, nobody was seriously injured, Edelgard finished off the last bandit in the hall and ordered "look around for reinforcements, this place is filled with secret passages, don't lower your guard, old ruins such as this are perfect for ambushes" half of the class went south with her while i went north with the rest, Bernadetta accidentally knocked down a old armour stand, I would have soon discovered  that accident changed more than one life, the dusty bookshelf disappeared into the wall allowing us to see what looked like a secret passage, it was dark and full of cobwebs, it looked like a proper hunted basement, so much that I was reluctant to get inside, what if the library suddenly closed and the ghost of this castle killed us? "Should we, you know, go there, what if it's a trap?" I asked professor Byleth, who just shrugged and said "don't worry, it isn't, but let's inspect it either way" as if he knew already saw there were no bandits waiting down there.

His instinct was right as no enemy was waiting down there, there was instead a small dungeon, the cobblestone was covered in mood and cobwebs, we were about to leave the place since it was evidently abandoned until we heard some rattling and followed the sound of rattling chains, that noise made me jump, maybe I was right, it could be a ghost...

We walked closer to the cell as silence fell over us again, I had my bow ready to shoot, suddenly a rat sprinted out of the cell, I let out a sigh of relief, no ghosts, just rats, but as I turned around I saw it, inside the cell the rat was heading out of I saw a limp figure, dressed in shredded clothes, her wrists were bounded to the wall by heavy chains, the door of this cell was the only one still in good enough conditions, there was no way we could have kicked it open, luckily there was a set of keys hanged a few steps away, as we ran in to assist the girl w noticed that none of the keys we found was small enough to fit the locket on her wrist so an idea came to my mind "Dorothea, can you lend me a Bobby pin? I need it to pick the lock" she nodded handing me one of tip her spare pins she always kept with her.

I knelt down close to the unconscious girl holding the metal chain and getting it closer to the feeble light of the torch, but the sudden movement woke her up, she took a glance around and curled herself into a ball, without saying a word and shuffled back, pressing herself against the wall and trembling, at that i immediately lifted my hands saying "at ease, we mean no harm to you " she peeked from behind her scarred hands to see if I was holding any weapon, but I wasn't, the bandits who took you here are gone, they can't harm you anymore, you're safe with us" she took another long look around to verify we were actually telling the truth "we can free you and give you medical assistance, but first can you show me your wrists? I need to pick the two locks you have there to free you, I promise it's not gonna hurt" she looked at her wrists then back at me and she slowly extended her arms towards me "don't worry, it's gonna take just a second" I said, as I started working on the first wrist

It got me less than a minute to completely free her, we then called Lin to try and heal some of the still open wounds she had, but as soon as he tried to step closer she backed away, scared, goddess knows what must have happened to make her fear people that much, luckily she could stand on her own and when Ferdinand proposed her to ride back to the monastery with us she nodded, and chose to ride on the same horse as Dorothea, she looked carefully at the scenery, as if she saw the world for the first time, e/c eyes full of wonder and fear.

When we reached the monastery she was still reluctant to interact with people, but at least she seemed more comfortable to be healed by Manuela in the infirmary, I volunteered to assist the professor with the wound treatment since I didn't want to leave the girl alone "so, dear, can you tell me your name?" Manuela asked after finishing to patch up a gash on her shoulder, no reaction, "is there anything you want to talk about?" The professor asked again, but still the girl didn't react "can you understand what I'm saying?" At this attempt the girl nodded and reached for the paper and pencil on Manuela's desk, writing a single word, I read it out loud "y/n, is that your name? " she nodded again, so I tried to ask "are you mute?" She shook her head no and started gesturing senselessly "don't freak out, it's totally normal for people who lived traumatic events sometimes find it hard to speak, it's temporary, once you'll start recovering you'll also recover your voice" y/n calmed down at the statement and Manuela continued "until then you'll be assigned to the black eagle's house and you'll have to chose someone to be your guide and help you adjust to the monastery life, someone that you feel like you can trust " i already was expecting her to choose Dorothea, since she rode back with her and generally looked like she trusted her.

You can expect my surprise when she pointed at me, I wasn't even in the class officially, even if I was considering to switch houses, even though it felt almost right, I don't think I'll ever be able to express the feeling I felt in that moment, it was there I felt like I had a mission, a mission as a knight "ok guys, I'll let you off the hook, but be sure to come back tomorrow for a checkup, have fun, I'll see you tomorrow" we waved at her and left the room.

The first days of discussing only through notebooks were a bit awkward, but that allowed us to also comunicate during lessons, it's been a few days and she still hasn't spoken a word, to spend more time with her I transferred to the black eagles, she started studying regularly in class too, and despite her communication problem she is adapting really well, and studying really hard, today's lessons were particularly quiet, and we had an assigned duty to the greenhouse, it was the actual first time we went there, as we were walking she stopped at the entrance, as I turned to face her she was wide eyed and stunned, I still find it hard to fully understand how she's feeling, I'm always afraid something I'll do is gonna trigger her, harming her is the last thing I wanna do "is everything alright?" I asked, she just took her notebook and started scribbling something 'it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen' I was relieved, but a thought was stuck in the back of my mind "is it the first time you see a greenhouse, or flowers in general?" She started scribbling again 'not that I can remember' she stopped for a second before starting to write something longer 'I can remember barely anything about my life before being kidnapped, I was so young and I've been there for so long I can't even remember my age' .

Y/n dropped the book and started hyperventilating, it was the first time she shared something about her past, once I made sure she was ok with closeness I stepped forward and tried to calm her down "y/n, you're safe here, the people who hurt you are gone" she was still breathing harshly when she tightly gripped my hand "take deep breaths, you've got this, I know you do" after a few minutes of encouragement and deep breaths she calmed down, to try and distract her from what just happened, facing traumas is necessary to get over them, but it's still too soon to face it directly.

Tonight I was up late, reading 'Loog and the maiden of wind' for the thousandth time, when I heard a thunder the first thought that came to my mind was y/n, if simply seeing flowers left her so surprised I didn't even dare to immagine how she could react to this, I closed the book and ran up to the door, as I touched the handle realisation hit me, what if she saw my visit as a privacy breach, I still don't know what she's comfortable with, I stood there frozen trying to think of what to do until the problem solved itself, three short knocks followed by a long one, the signal we agreed on, I opened the door to see a scared y/n wrapped up in a wholly sheet, with only her head popping up "y/n, are you scared of storms?" She nodded before another thunder resounded loudly around the halls, she jumped forward hugging me, that surprised me, so much that ti took a few seconds to find enough courage to hug her back, leaving one arm free just to close the door "it's alright, the storm is out there, we're in here, you're safe" as I motioned to brush her hair out of her face, but I noticed it was dripping, she must have ran under the rain for a while "your hair's wet, hold up, I can get you a towel, be careful next time, you might end up sick" I said leaving her for a second to go to the bathroom and grab a clean towel.

When I walked back into the room she was looking at the book on the nightstand, it was probably her first time looking at a storybook, I took a step closer and called her "here, wrap this around your hair, it'll make them dry faster" as she did so I looked at the book, then back at her "if this book interests you I could read it to you, does it sound good?" She nodded, and smiled, my heart skipped a beat, none of us had ever seen her smile, it was the prettiest smile I had ever seen, was I blushing? Probably, I had to hide it, crushing on her is not gonna help any of us, I buried my nose in the book and started reading it from the first page, we both sat on the edge of the bed side by side.

We reached a page with a description of knightly behaviour, I've always believed knights are selfless, caring, willing to protect the people who can't protect themselves when I was interrupted "Ashe" I turned around to see y/n, who just spoke, this was her first word since we came to the monastery, and it was my name, I stopped and just looked at her, feeling my attention shifting from the book to her she asked "are you my knight?" Not a doubt was in my mind as I answered "yes, I'll never let anyone harm you ever again, I'm here for you, and stand by you until the end "

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