A small A/n

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Sorry, I know most of you won't read this (til last year I always skipped all the A/ns I saw) but it's to help understand better, I understood I made a lot of mistakes and I'll try my best to correct them

To whoever reads this, just know I will fix
- I'll put trigger warnings on some stuff, if they're necessary

-I'll add titles to the one shots, so if I make multiples about the same character nobody gets confused

-I'll try to correct grammar mistakes in my old one shots and check them every now and then, I know I'm not the best but when English isn't your mother tongue it's not that easy

- update, the revision project has started, so the  chapters with * are revised

If you have anything to suggest please let me know

I <3 u all, and may Lady Luck be always on your side

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