Zero/Niles x reader midnight fight

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I've always called him Niles but I see in another translation he's zero so this is about him, also you're Leo's twin, his main attendant is oldin while yours is Niles, have fun :)

I was sitting in my room studying, when I felt a light knock on my door, as I tiredly got up I heard the clock ticking and decided to see what time it was, now, I was curious, who in their right mind knocks at a girl's door at midnight? As I opened up the door I saw a tall figure in front of me he was Niles!

His legs were trembling, to stand straight he had to lean against the doorframe "Niles, please, don't tell me you're dru..." I stopped my sentence halfway when I saw the blood coming out of his right shoulder and elbow dripping on the stone floor "I'm sorry lady y/n, the infirmary was closed and i saw the light coming from your room, I didn't have anywhere else to go" he said shaking a strain of hair out of his face "come in, I should have some bandages I said gesturing him to follow me" I sat him on a chair and locked the door behind us, I grabbed the medic kit I always kept under my bed and took everything I needed, in less than a second I was ready to operate "can I know what happened ?", he didn't answer and I turned to face the kit but then something ticked in my mind, looking outside the window I saw the infirmary lit up by candles, and Oldin doing his usual shift, I kept looking and saw something I couldn't believe a worried Leo ran into the far room swinging the doors open along with another figure, Niles, but if Niles was there how could he...

As I thought that the figure smirked, with evilness and then the sound of the alarm bells started echoing in the halls, he was an impostor, as I tried to plan a counterattack or, at least a retreat. He stood up, his wounds were fake! He probably understood that i knew his trick, but giving a peak outside I noticed the real Leo Niles saw us, and started running upstairs to reach us, the two rooms were far indeed, and depending on how many enemies would there be in the halls I needed to resist from a minimum of 3 minutes to a maximum of 25 minutes against a probable well-trained assassin "who are you and what do you want from me?" I say walking backwards slowly trying to reach my w/p "do you really think I'm that dumb" he asked charging ahead and trying to block my arms, it was too late, I already managed to grab my w/p "you were really good pretending to be injured, let me see how you look when you really are "

Being Leo's twin sister means that every time he studied magic I sparred against Xander, and Leo studies many hours a day, so I'm not going down that easily whoever I'm facing, I parry his hit and he takes a step back, taking advantage of his moment of weakness I strike back, in that exact moment the window and the door swings open simultaneously bringing both friend and enemy reinforcements, pieces of glass pierce through my skin and light nightgown, and after a second I heard Leo and the real Niles breaking in "sister, are you alright?" Leo asks worriedly while Niles places himself in front of you two "Niles, you're a distant unit, I can..." I say planning a strategy, but my brother cuts me off immediately " no sister, you're coming with me and getting healed by Elise, if you want to fight you need an armour" I stare at Niles "lady y/n, lord Leo is right, I will be fine on my own ".

Leo then proceeds to carry him away right to Elise and Camilla's quarters, the two girls are already up "big sister, who did this to you?" Elise asked, Camilla was ready to go on a killing spree, "it doesn't matter, I need a healer and an armour, I can't leave Niles behind like that" the two seems to understand my intention almost immediately but I don't know why they giggled, Elise quickly healed me and Camilla let me use her armour even though the chest plate didn't fit perfectly, with my weapon still in hand I tell Leo check if the enemy has any other backups and then I left immediately.

I ran to my room hoping that it wouldn't be too late, I swing the door open once more to attract the enemy's attention and potentially clear a path to Niles, the three enemies were surrounding him, "three against one? Tks coward" but when Niles noticed me he just yelled "watch out! behind you!" And so he took out his bow aiming as fast as he could and then shooting, the arrow flew inches from my ears and as it landed a cry of pain could be heard behind my back, the other three used this moment of weakness and attacked almost immediately Niles, I ran to try and shield him with my w/p,as I managed to deflect and killed two of them the third tried to hit me right in the shoulder but Niles threw himself in front of him, when I turned he planted an arrow in the scum's skull, but the archer was injured pretty badly

I huff tiredly while he leans against the wall and fall sitting, conscious, but weakened by the injury, the room was a mess, but at least the medic kit is already out.

Not caring about the blood I pick him up and lay him on my bed, he's lighter then I thought, the cuts were one on his shoulder, and one much bigger and deeper on the hip, I was fine, aside from some scratches I had nothing.

I could clearly see something was wrong with him, in every other circumstance he'd start to randomly spit out unfunny puns, but not now "Niles, the cat ate your tongue?" I ask jokingly no answer "do I have the wrong Niles?" Still no answer "Niles, please say anything, anything at all!" Worried sick I feel his pulse slowing down "Niles, don't even dare leaving me now, please" I beg while tightening the bandages to stop the bleeding "...abchdj...ancjjdn adjjd..." a faint whisper came from him, so I got closer to hear him better "anything, anything at all" he said with a wince and a small smirk, relived by his unfunny answer I brush his hair out of his face and smile brightly.

After a pair of minutes he already felt a little better " since when I saw you in danger I couldn't stop thinking about the
I always thought Niles was very cool, but whenever other people talked about him the only things that came out of their mouths were negative comments, to everyone in the castle he was the mean scheming figure who always talked dirty, I never had the time to ask him about this, but I think now is the right time "Niles, do you talk different when you talk to the others? There are myths who suggested you taught Elise how to curse" "this myth is one of the few that's actually false " (oh, trust me, I knew it, I taught her how to curse personally Niles) "but the other thing you said is true" well, he didn't deny it, so I guess it's true "can I ask you why?"

Without a hint of doubt he looked at me and said "easy, if I don't want to spend time someone I try to act as unpleasant as I can, that way I'm sure they won't talk to me" that answer left me shocked, I mean I doubted his real personality was that shallow but nevertheless I didn't expect an answer like that "so are you trying to avoid everyone but me?" "Kind of..."was his answer "but why me? " I asked even more confused "remember the first time we met, when my 'friends' used me as a decoy and I was captured"

he then flinched again, these cuts are some of the deepest I've ever seen, to try and distract him from the pain I keep talking "I do remember you begged my brother to kill you, we both were so shocked that we decided to let you alive, not gonna lie, for the first few days I thought it was reversed psychology, but I was wrong" that was quiet sad to remember, but I think he's made a lot of progress in all these years "it is true my lady, you and lord Leo are the first ones who care about my life, and for that I'm deeply grateful" "but that's not all, is it?" I could feel he was hiding something, it was really obvious, he takes a deep breath, while trying to spit out some words he kept messing up, unable to compose a sentence with a sense .

"It's so strange, I never thought taking a hit for you could be easier than expressing my feelings" wait, feelings? Nonononono, impossibile! "Niles, please explain, I know I may sound dumb, but what do you mean?"  this sentence was like a light switch for him, something lit up in his eye, probably courage " it means that I love you princess "

Btw thanks for the 400 reads, I love you all!!

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