Black eagles x bullied!reader Headcanons

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Hey, haven't written in a while, school's been killing me recently, I've been wanting to try and do Hcs for awhile now but didn't have enough time, hope you enjoy
Tw: bullying

- she's not gonna sit idly and watch you getting beaten
- probably use her royal status to threaten the living shit outta them
- if she doesn't scare them enough on her own(which is almost impossible btw) there's always a very intimidating shadow called Hubert behind her
- if you're so beaten up you can't stand on your own feet she'll gladly carry you
- and if Hubert says a word about it she'll probably kill him
- never seen her with such a worried face
- she's more scared of you getting hurt then to have to face a whole army of dragon-nabateans
- Edelgard immediately told the professor what happened
- the bullies? Now they're swimmming in a hundred extra duties
- the aftermath of the bullying left you any self esteem issues? A certain imperial princess can and will help you
- even so she's not acting like a huge softie, her? fluff? never!
- or at least not until the two of you are alone
- since when strategy tutoring meant ice cream and cuddles?

- when he finds you he's with Edelgard (when is he not)
- gives his house leader a small glance as if asking permission to help you(hoping upon hope she doesn't stop him)
- at el's minimum nod he's behind the group
- it took him a calm 'enough' to make the group turn and silence in fear
- you were scared at first, thinking he either was disappointed or wanted to join the bully, but he didn't
- if anyone has the courage to keep going after that he'll literally lift them from their neck with just one arm and move them away, he's at least five years older than any other student, he is intimidating
- emo boy over here would bring you to the infirmary
- for a while he'll pretend he doesn't give a shit, but he's worried af
- when/if he eventually admits it only to you and the house leader know
- on emotional support he has no clue
- he'll probably read every book about psychology in the library and still wouldn't know what to answer when you sobbing will ask him 'why me?'
- Hubert doesn't tell anyone about this
- the bullies? They may not be swimming in extra duties, but by now they're six feet underground

- noble knight in shining armour on duty
- as soon as he sees you he sprints towards the group, stops them then helps you up
- would probably go on a tantrum explaining to the group how coward they are, and how ashamed should they be
- no one will listen to him
- until he actually calls professor byleth, knowing he'll take good care of them
- he'll sit in the infirmary next to you trying to distract you with his 'incredible noble skills'
- you feel bad about yourself? He'll bring you a cup of tea and chat with you
- if you feel bad enough he'll even insist you're better than him!
- expect a lot of gifts and encouraging notes
- Like he'll literally write hundreds of notes and place them in the most unthinkable places
-immagine lifting your teacup, looking at the small plate underneath it and finding a piece of paper with the sentence "you're the moon that brightens the dull sky of this world "
- he cares more about your physical and mental well-being then about the bullies' punishment
- when she sees you she goes in full panic mode
- she's not gonna intervene personally, but she'll be back with a professor in less than a second
- idc how you're built, if you're older than a 5yo there's no way she can lift or carry you
- since her room is way closer she'll lead you there and ask Manuela for healing stuff and help you better
- she'll bring you there because after her trauma she found her safe place there, and she wanted to help you find your own
- maybe with her, that safe place can get really lonely...
- sweet Bernie will empathise with you and let her guard down a little more around you
- if you struggle with your self esteem she'll basically compliment you and tell you that you're way better than her
- to which you replied that she was better than you and started complimenting her
- this could go on for hours until one of you understood what happened and started laughing

-When he sees you first he can't believe what's happening
- after blinking twice he realises what was going on and loses it
- he'd punch the living shit out of any opponent, he'd make a massacre fit for a feral Dimitri
- none of you even have to call Byleth, he came running after he heard the mess Caspar was making
- Caspar would probably end up with the same punishment as the bullies, for how badly he punched them
- whenever you or anyone asked anything he answered he didn't give a fuck about the consequences, he didn't regret anything, and that these shitty bullies earned every punch he gave them, and probably even more
- when the two of you went to the infirmary together you were shaking, and he held you, helping yow to walk with an arm under your shoulders
- but since his knuckles were so destroyed they'd take two weeks to heal completely part of your uniform was soaked in his blood
- he'd sit on the infirmary bed next to you, and get healed with you
- every time you have self esteem issues he'll come out of the blue and give you a huge hug

- I don't know why but I fell like she'd snap
- and when she does she's more intimidating than Humbert
- "the next time I see ANY of you around y/n I'll make sure you'll get what you deserve"
- if you're beaten up she'll use magic to help you to the nearest safe spot, no matter if it's the infirmary your room or her room
- wherever she is she'll call professor Manuela, and the both of them can and will take very good care of you
- feel bad after everything that happened? Thea will have none of it
- hugs nonstop
- having a panic attack or a nightmare? Dorothea will sing you a lullaby while stroking your hair

- he's not gonna catch the bullies while they beat you up since he never leaves his room or the library
- he'll notice your odd behaviour and some bruises, and since he's smart he'll put two and two together
- after the class ended he'll ask you to have tea together at his place
- when the both of you are quiet relaxed he'll ask you about it
- at first you try to play it cool and deny everything, but it's only a matter of minutes before you break down
- he'll try to comfort you even if he's a bit awkward
- if you feel sad he'll probably tell you to sleep your worries away, he'll lay next to you and hold you
- during the next battle the bullies got hurt pretty badly and trying to heal them Lin 'accidentally' gets them even more hurt instead of healing them

- at first she thinks is some kind of rite and will get curiose about it
- when she finds out what was actually going on she'd be livid
- I have a feeling she'd be so angry she'd start yelling passing from brigid's language to foldland's language like a k-pop singer goes from English to Korean
- strong girl is gonna carry you to Manuela and be there to help you
- Petra is really close with El and Hubert, so she'll ask them what to do with the bullies
- El will tell Petra not to worry about them and will ask Hubert to 'take care of them'
- all in all Petra wouldn't care about where did the bullies end up, her only focus was you

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