Dorothea x male reader (request)-distraction

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Words count (1727)
Requested by: Hitthereimyou12
Small comment: idk if I made him too much stalker

The lesson was not one of the hardest I've ever had, Manuela was a good teacher, but it was nearly impossible to focus, in class I sat right next to Dorothea, the best singer from Mittelfrank opera, beenig a music lover I often went to see operas at h that theatre, well, I always I got to the theatre early and saw her alone practicing on the stage, one time our eyes met once and so I blushed and lowered my head, a lot of years passed since then and well now that she joined our class the small crush I had for her only grew stronger.

Some days I was so lost in thoughts that I couldn't study, and because of this my grades in reason started to sink, reason has always been my least favourite subject, but my grades never slipped under C+, this time it went horribly, it was a D-, crap.

during the whole correction I see Dorothea minding her own business and so I try to focus, at least to understand where I messed up, but it's harder than it seems, I hate fire spells, why the hell can't I be a paladin, like I always wanted to, why did Manuela think I'd be better as a dark knight!

"Y/n, Dorothea, Hubert, come here, I need to see you" Manuela said just after the bell rang "since you guys are the three units that can mainly use dark magic I've organised a group study activity for you, you'll of course get a grade on it, it's due tomorrow, basically you need to research type, strength and effect of every spell on this list, I'll see you tomorrow"

The paper didn't seem bad, until we noticed it was written on both sides, and the spells were about a hundred, so we left to go to the library, we were alone in the library, even Thomas wasn't there. Dorothea looked at the paper annoyed and sat on the table "ugh, I love prof Manuela, but this time she definitely overkilled! What do you think Y/n" it took all my courage to answer without stuttering "you're right, we've never even seen half of those" but luckily there's Hubert to remind us we have work to do "stop complaining and start working, the faster we finish the faster I can come back to lady Edelgard " yes, yes, of course, you simp.

We decided to divide the work in three so each one of us has a smaller amount of work, Hubert finished in half an hour and left the two of us alone, if up til now I managed to keep my eyes in the tome now I kept lifting mu gaze at her, she had a small frown, the frown she always make when she's focused, after I don't know how much time she lifted her eyes and I got right back to my work, pretending I didn't even see her, but I can feel my face getting red as the flag of our class, now I should really get to work, Death Γ is a dark spell of long range and...

A few hours went by, I wasn't even close to finish, when Dorothea got so into her work that she probably she forgot I'm here with her and started humming a song 'be strong Y/n, you need to finish this task if you want to have a decent grade in reason' I thought to myself and gulped silently, literally forcing my head on the tome of the wind spells Excalibur is a srtong wind spell...

Fuck Excalibur, along with all the wind spells, look at her, long, curly hair falling perfectly on her shoulders, her emerald eyes focused on a fire spells book, while she sings a song, it's not one of the classic Arias she sings on the stage, or during the choir activity, this is an old lullaby, my mother used to sing that too, she's singing in a so sweet voice that makes me almost thinking she's dedicating it to me, but singing is like breathing to her, I can't let my hopes up because I like her

At a certain point she closed her book and walked up to me, my brain tried to flash all the possible variables:
-oh no, did she notice me starring, does she think I'm a stalker,
-maybe she wants to ask me something about magic... impossible she's better than me with magic
-maybe she wants to tell me she's done and needs to go, I pray it's not that
-maybe she's tired and wants to have a break and get some coffee

"Sorry Y/n, do you still need that book? I need it for my next spell" I looked at her then back at my part of the research, and without even thinking I got the tome handing it to her " S-sure, don't worry" I answered a bit disappointed by the request "are you ok Y/n? You look quiet red, do you have a fever?" I don't know how to answer, think fast Y/n! "We'll, yes... er... no, no, don't worry, I'm just a bit tired, I'm sorry" well damn it Y/n, if you didn't fuck up first you did now

for a second she stares at the paper I've been writing, then she suddenly stops and giggles, I look back on the desk to se what have i written to make her laugh, a grievous error, I was almost done, but the last two sentences I wrote were the lyrics of Dorothea's lullaby "I'm sorry, I didn't want to get distracted, much less to eavesdrop your singing... " but then she cuts me off "since we're almost done, and we've skipped dinner, do you want to finish fast and eat together?" Is this a dream? It's too good to be true "of course! " I've never done a homework faster than this in my whole life.

So, after we both finished I helped her putting back all the tomes and we headed to the school canteen, nobody was there, there were still some leftovers, so we ate those, it's not the best but this is not a date...
My thoughts were interrupted by a voice "I saw you during lesson, you were starring at your notebook, but not listening at the lesson " maybe it's the food, maybe is the fact that we started a conversation more normally, but unlike before I feel a bit more at ease "nothing gets past you, does it ?" I smirk " and I bet that on that notebook there's no trace of notes" "yep, notes are boring, and taking them even more" I say trying to mask the fact that I'm not taking them just because I'm distracted by you, and your beautiful face, but what I didn't knew what's that it was only just a matter of time before I broke my poker face (and by 'a matter of time' I meant right after dinner, I know, I know, I'm not the best at keeping those kind of secrets).

"Can I ask you something? it's a bit embarrassing, but I don't think I can hold it anymore " I asked her while she was about to eat the last spoonful of rice "of course, anything, and don't worry, if you want to keep that a secret it's no problem" she answered seeing that I was getting serious and probably worried I was about to confess a murder "I've been lying to you, the reason why I'm slower taking notes is not because I don't like studying, nor because I find it boring, it's just that..." and realising that it wasn't the best thing to tell this straight away I tried to mask it "there's this one girl in our class that caught my attention, it's hard to keep up with lessons because all I've got on my mind is her, what should I do?" She looked surprised, maybe even disappointed "you want love advices from me?Why me?" She asked as if she didn't understand "well, you're the best at those stuff, plus you're really close to the girl I love" the closest actually, she's really close to herself "well you have to tell her, as soon as you can, and to do it you need a buquet of her favourite flowers and a good excuse to bring her to a nice place, maybe the small garden on the lake behind the greenhouse and then you have to tell her how you feel straight away " " thank you, I'll do it tomorrow! This has been going on for too long"I say determine, she looks really curious "can you tell me who is she?" I smirked  and then said "I'll tell you tomorrow, want me to walk you back into your room?" "Sure thanks" and we walked back to our dorms and went to sleep.

The next morning I went to buy roses, which I believed are her favourite flower, and then I brought them at the designed place, and wait for her in front of the class, when she arrives I greet her with a smile and there starts my plan "hey, Dorothea, Before we give the homework to Manuela, would you like to re read it tougher, to see if we missed anything?" "Ok, do you have the paper with you?" I pretended to look for it in my pockets "shit! I think I left it a pair of minutes ago, when I was preparing the proposal, can you help me looking for it?" She looked at me as if to tell me 'are you seriously that dumb?' In return I just smiled, and she followed me, my plan worked!

"Ok, so, where have you seen the paper last?" She asked almost annoyed, well, it was too late to turn back "I gave it to Hubert, he should have already turned in" "then why are we here?" she asked both annoyed and surprised, "I'm just following your advices, the girl I can't stop thinking about, the first who stole my heart is you, I love you Dorothea" and saying this I hand her the roses, her annoyed frown dropped in less than a second and she answered right away, with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face" Y/n, I don't know what to say! I love you too"

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