Dollar Bills - Halloween 2021

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Roman had made you tag along with him. He hadn't exactly explained why you needed to go to a bar with him. During your lunch break on Halloween. But he'd sung by and hung around until your boss had let you leave for your early, anything to stop Roman glaring at the customers.

You paused, standing behind Roman as you caught sight of the person at the bar. He was your co-worker. One day you were telling Roman and Peter how uncomfortable he made you, and that no one would help anyone deal with him, the next day he showed up to work looking worse for wear. As Roman took a seat at the bar he patted the one next to him, holding a hand out to help you hop up. He didn't say anything as he fished a cigarette out of his pocket.

"Got a light?" Roman asked. Your co-worker glanced at him then did a double take and jumped.

"Stay away from me!" He snapped. Roman raised his eyebrows, cigarette pinched between his fingers. He glanced at you and shrugged but you could see a touch of mischievous glee in his eyes.

"Do I know you?" Roman asked as he turned back to your co-worker who was getting up.
"I can't prove anything you smug asshole but I will get back at you." He said rudely as he hurried out of the bar. Roman shrugged and asked the bartender for a light. You stared at him as he lit his cigarette.

"You know Sheriff Sworn doesn't like you. Why would you push your luck?" You asked him. Roman glanced at you and shrugged as he took a drag from the cigarette.

"Why wouldn't I?" He said, motioning for a drink before adding. "It's Halloween; everyone's entitled to one good scare."

You gave him a long hard stare, trying to look as disapproving as you could. He wasn't fazed in the slightest and gave you the sweetest smile that he could muster.

"Are you hungry?" Roman asked after a long silence.

"From here? No, not really. I can get a discount on food from work." You pointed out quickly. Roman glanced at you and frowned a little.

"Discount?" Roman said. He didn't sound as if he wanted an answer though. Once he finished his drink, he slapped some money down on the bar and got up. It occurred to you that the only reason he had brought you out to the bar, was to watch him scare your co-worker. He was quiet when he drove back to drop you off at work. He waited for you to get out of the car before trying to get your attention. When he whistled sharply you paused, rolled your eyes and turned back.

"Here..." Roman said as he leant out the window of his car and handed you a hundred dollar bill. You stared at it in your hands.

"Um... Roman, why?" You asked in confusion.

"For lunch... is that not how much lunch is?" He snatched back the note and fished in his jacket for his wallet. When he opened it you saw that it was stuff with notes. He started counting then stared at you for a moment before handing you several hundred dollar bills. "That should be enough? I have to get to a meeting but I'll see you later."

"What a nut job." You said, somewhat affectionately as you watched him drive off. You headed back into work to get your lunch, with your discount. You couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Roman thought your lunch would be several hundreds of dollars. Though he did have a habit of demanding something and it would appear.

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