Blind Date

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Peter smiled as you handed Roman his coffee, not having enough time to notice the look Roman was giving you. They'd been coming every day when Roman found out you worked at the coffee shop and Peter didn't think he'd ever seen Roman so taken with anything other than his car.

"Hi Peter." You chirped as you slammed the cups down on the counter before grabbing a round try and balancing it on one arm so you could stock it up and hurry over to a nearby table.

"Hey (Y/N) ... listen are you free later tonight?" Peter asked as Roman wondered away and glared at his friend from the doorway.

"I think so, why?" You asked grateful that he didn't mind you fussing around behind the counter.

"Just wondering, you mind meeting me at the garage for lunch?" Peter smiled when you nodded and left you to deal with the morning rush.


"Hey (Y/N), I need to ask something." Peter hummed as you dumped a paper bag off food in front of him.

"Sure." You sighed and kicked off your pumps, grateful to be able to sit down for a while.

"I need you to go on a date with Roman Godfrey." He blurted out.

"Nope." Was your instant reply. "There's no way I'm doing anything of the sort with that snobby boy."

"As a favour, he really likes you." Peter begged and you shook your head.

"I'll knock ten dollars off your car's next check-up plus... free fill up." He jerked his head to the pump by the road and waited for you to give in.

"Throw in a can and you have a deal." You hummed and he nodded, grabbing a can of petrol from the shelf and hurrying to hide it in your car.


Roman sat grumpily in the living room. Peter had told him to cook some nice food and be friendly because he'd sent a girl over to see him. When Anna opened the door and ushered you inside Roman froze.

"Hi... Roman." You mumbled and jerked out your hand.

He took your hand and shook it, forgetting to let go as he stared at you. After a few awkward seconds he shook your hand again and gave you a shy smile when you asked for it back.

"Sorry I just, wasn't expecting it to be you." Roman said awkwardly and you nodded.

"Nope just ordinary me." You smiled and he pointed to the kitchen and led you through, letting Anna take your coat as he set a warm plate of food in front of you.

"I don't cook." He explained and you chuckled.

"I didn't think you could." Your smiled had he letting out a sigh of relief that you didn't mind and the two of you settled down to eat.

The meal was pleasant, he slowly moved his way around the table until the two of you had finished desert and he was sat beside you, adoringly pouring you wine. You had to admit that maybe you were glad Peter had set the two of you up, Roman seemed oddly endearing.

"I'm sorry if Peter made you come." Roman said was an odd laugh ad you shrugged.

"Oh no it's fine I actually had fun." You assured the boy who seemed relieved and walked with you to the hall where you grabbed your coat.

Before you could put it on he grabbed your face in his hands and pressed his lips against yours in an inexperienced, selfish kiss that seemed to have the desire to be something more. You responded slowly and he stepped into you, causing you to back up against the door and drop your coat as you moved to tangle your hands in his hair.

His hands moved to the straps of your dress, pushing them down so he could kiss your neck, one knee moving between your legs to keep you up as he let his hands drop to your waist.

"You could stay the night." He muttered against your neck.

For a moment you contemplated just going home but there was no denying you'd always found the boy attractive even in high school. So you let him lead you up to his room and let him push you down on his bed, all thoughts of going home far from your mind.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now