Lothbrok VS Godfrey (Part Three)

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Getting to the bar took less time than you thought. You'd been looking forwards to the girls night for weeks. It wasn't your usual thing but your friends had convinced you to join them and you couldn't think why you wouldn't go.

As you headed into the bar you spotted your friends, one was downing another drink while the other encouraged them. You glanced at your phone to see what time it is. You were a little late, not enough for them to have gotten this hammered.

"Wait!" Your friend slurred a little as she leant in at the bar. She pointed at the phone in your hane "You have a new phone?" she asked.

"Yeah... I got it yesterday. With you. Because mine was broken. How much has she had to drink?" You asked as you turned to your other friend who shrugged.

"I was honestly not keeping count." She confessed and laughed when you playfully scold her.

"Here, this is my new number." You said as you wrote it down on one of the bar coasters. Pausing you decided that it would be better if you put your number in her phone for you. "You need someone who'll keep an eyes on you!" You nudge your other friend who rolled her eyes she laughed.

None of you noticed that Roman Godfrey had taken a seat at the bar. Nobody noticed or stopped him as he swiped the coaster with your number on it.

It wasn't until much later, when your friends decided that the night was over, you spotted Roman at the bar. You didn't want to speak to him, if you ever spoke to Roman of Ivar you just seemed to egg them on. They seemed to double their attempts to be around you or have your attention.

"Well, fancy seeing you here." Roman said and smiled. When you smiled and nodded, glancing over your shoulder for your friends who had left you as you called a taxi to go to the bathroom, he rolled his eyes. "I haven't seen you since my party."

"Oh, I've been busy." You said quickly as Roman scooted closer on his barstool.

When your friends appeared you let out a breath of relief. Roman was always very intense and it could make you uncomfortable at times.


While you hadn't drunk as much as your friend, who was still at your apartment, barely conscious and cursing the sun for her blinding headache. You were still groggy. You'd headed out to get coffee from the nearest coffee shop. Your phone had been binging most of the morning. You ignored it until you were in the queue waiting to order.

Dozens of texts had filled your messages. You frowned not recognising the numbers. The first thread seemed to be from Roman, over sixty texts. They were talking about how pretty he found you, rants that you hadn't replied yet, angry comments about Ivar. The other text was one single text from Ivar.

You groaned. The coaster. It had seemed to vanish before you could find it last night. You decided not to think anything of it. Quickly glancing back at the phone you decided to text Ivar back and thank him for the heads up. Once you ordered the coffee, and a few extras for breakfast, you spotted Peter.

"Long time no see." He said to you with a half smile as he waved a little. "I'm guessing you heard about what Roman did." Peter added.

"Oh, yeah. I've been getting texts all day. I got a nice one from Ivar giving me a heads up but it was a little late."

"Yeah. I told him not to bug you. He only stopped because of... well." He glanced pointedly at the glass of coke next to him that had a large, expensive looking phone floating in it. "It was an accident." He smirked and it was clear he'd done it on purpose.

"Ah. A horrible accident. Just one of those things that happens."

"Yeah. Stupid big phone just slipped. I would get going if I were you, he's in the bathroom and if you're spotted his weird obsession will flare up."

After saying goodbye to Peter you started headed back home. As you were walking home you bumped into Ubbe and Hvitserk. They both cheered at spotting you and shouted to Ivar who was down the street with Sigurd. They seemed to be arguing over something in the window of the musical instrument shop that was tucked away down one of the smaller streets.

The older brothers kept chatting to you as you tried to leave. Ivar caught up with them and grinned. "I hope you don't mind I texted you. Godfrey sent us a picture of your number and said you gave it to him." Ivar muttered looking annoyed as he spoke.

"Oh! No, I got a new phone and wrote it down for a friend. I forgot to pick it up after." You confessed.

"I knew you wouldn't give it to him!" Ivar said cheerfully. He looked down at the paper cup holder in your hands, filled with two cups and a huge pile of food.

"My friend is waiting back home. Thought I'd get her something. She has a hangover so it'll be one of those slow days." You explained and he nodded, his face was serious for a second and you had to wonder, how hard did the Lothbroks party.

"I could walk back with you, if you wanted. I know a shortcut."

"To my house?" You asked wearily.

"Oh! No! You live in the same apartment block as mine and Ubbe's girlfriend, Ivar saw you one time and freaked out, he didn't want you to think he was following you." Hvitserk teased as he slapped Ivar's arm.

You felt relieved as he explained. As long as he wasn't following you perpousfully. "Oh, sure. I don't really do shortcuts, I get majorly lost." You said and he grinned.

"Pick me up from the park later?" Ivar asked Ubbe who promised he'd meet Ivar at the usual place. You noticed Ubbe dig through his bag and hand Ivar a large camera.

He led the way at first, the sound of birds, people chatting in the park across the road and the quiet rhythmic taps of Ivar's crutches.

"I didn't know we could cut through the park." You muttered and Ivar nodded.

"There's a smaller ally through the back. I wouldn't use it at night though, it's majorly creepy." Ivar warned and you laughed.

"Yeah I don't think I'd be up for that. Not in this town."

Ivar was quiet, he studied plants and birds as you passed through the park, you'd expected him to find some excuse to delay you getting home, or even insist on following you all the way. But when you reached the alley way you paused and realised he wasn't walking with you.

"It's just down there and left. It comes out round the side of your apartment."

"Thanks Ivar. That was much quicker than getting here."

There was an awkward silence and he glanced over his shoulder to a group of birds that landed on the water. His hand tapped at the cerma dangling at his hip as he watched them.

"Do you take photos?" You asked curiously. Ivar's face lit up as he smiled and blushed.

"I take a few. I could send you some if you'd like."

"Sure, that'd be nice." You said before you said goodbye and went on your way home.

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