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You rolled your eyes when Roman sat at the counter, ducking his head to see you in the back as you begged one of the girls working with you to take his order. When she flirtily skipped over her simply requested that you serve him and shoved a fifty in her hand.

"You know there are other coffee shops." You sighed and he shrugged leaning forward as you made him his usual drink and set it in front of him.

"This is the only one with cute baristas." He retorted with a sly wink as you rounded the counter and began to clean down the tables.

"So how come you always come in at weird times?" You asked, although what you meant was 'why do you only come in on my shifts and he seemed to know that from the smirk he shot you.

"The coffees shit, I only come in here to talk to you, not my fault your hours are weird." He chuckled to himself when you took in a deep breath and went into the back, staying there until he got bored of waiting for you to come out and left.


"Where is she?" Roman asked, drumming his fingers on the counter. When the girl that tried to serve him glanced across the cafe he followed her gaze to where you were flirting with a group of people, laughing and joking.

"Would you like me to get her?" The girl asked and he scowled at her, shaking his head as he motioned for her to get his drink before standing and throwing a final glare your way and leaving.

For the first twenty minutes after being told Roman was annoyed and probably with you, you'd panicked. How ever now you couldn't care less. All the way home you#d given yourself a pep talk about how you didn'[t like him in the slightest and even if he did find some way to make your life hell you could always move.

But when you got home and opened the door you found a black glossy envelope shoved through the door.

"Miss (Y/L/N), you have been invited for an interview at the Godfrey towers in a management position." You mumbled as you read the letter, seeing that it was dated for your day off.

With a sigh you got changed into your pajamas and watched tv while munching on a snack, you weren't overly hungry and you had to think of a way to get out of the interview.

Unfortunately for you two days later a hugs car turned up and a driver knocked on your door to ask if you were ready to go to the towers. Upon arriving you found that there was no one else in sight but Roman and an empty, very upscale, cafe that now sat in the lobby of the tower.

"You're late." He called and you rolled your eyes as you stood in the doorway and looked around.

"So is every other candidate." You hummed, gesturing at the empty cafe.

He let out a low chuckle and sucked the air between his teeth and he stepped towards you. "You're the only one."

"I gathered, what do you want?" You huffed and he cocked his head to the side.

"This is your cafe now, regular hours, bigger paycheck and a healthcare plan." He practically hummed his words because he knew that they were all things you wanted.

"What's the catch?" You sighed and he shrugged.

"Occasionally my mother might come in and my office is on the top floor so bringing me my coffee will be a pain." He grinned until you quirked your eyebrow and dumped your bag on one of the tables, strolling up to him.

"I will not be running coffee up and down this building for you, you want it come and get it." You said firmly. "As for your mother fake politeness goes miles, and given the one Godfrey a day rule i'll be implicating she won't be a problem." You finished with a smug look and he let out a laugh.

"You're going to ban Godfrey's from my cafe?" He asked quickly and you placed your hands on your hips, standing a little taller.

"You said it was mine and no, not if you agree to only come in once week." You watched him squint and shake his head.

"Once a day, bigger budget for staff and... I'll help you get everything sorted." He countered and you knew if you accepted his help he'd see the whole day as a victory.

"I don't need your help." You sighed out and grabbed the files he'd slapped onto the table.

"Fine, but you're going to come back and ask for help." He chuckled and pointed at the piles. "You don't know enough about business."

You glared at him and he held up his hands as he backed out, turning to exit the room. When the doors slid shut behind him you started looking through the files. He was right, you had no idea what any of it meant, but that didn't mean you were going to tell him.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now