Just friends (Part Five) A prequel

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You lay next to Roman who was smoking a cigarette and ignoring you. Now it was done with you had no idea what to say, neither did Roman. In the past you'd kissed him before. Even messed around as the two of you hid in the Godfrey gardens.

"So urm. What now?" Roman asked when he looked at you.

"I guess we're still.. Just friends?"

"So we don't have to get weird about this because I already asked a girl out for tomorrow and..."

"Oh, pfft, no it's totally cool."

After a while you left to go into Roman's shower, dressed and waited for him to get ready to go back into town. He dropped you off on the way. It was weird. A little. That you and Roman had avoided being together so long.

It wasn't like either of you wanted to date each other.

The next time you saw him was at school. You walked out of your class to the landing where Roman was making out with a girl. Passing him and walking down the stairs you glanced back up. He looked down at you and winked, smirking a little as you walked away.

He'd do it whenever he saw you, offering tidbits of affection but never anything too much. At least not at first.

Weeks passed and the two of you became so inseparable that it wasn't unusual for one of you to be sleeping at the others house, sometimes for a few days. The closer you got the more affectionate the two of you became.

"Movie?" Roman grunted as you answered the door. He was holding out a stack of take away boxes like an offering.

"Maybe?" You said. With his other hand he produced a bag of desserts. "Come on in."

The night went how your nights with Roman seemed to go now. Casual hang out, casual sex and back to hanging out.

The morning was spent eating cold pizza and trying to decide if you wanted to skip school or not. Roman made some very persuasive arguments and the day seemed to carry on the same way.

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