Godfrey Vs Lothbrok

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Everyone who lived in Hemlock Grove knew about the scandal. Ragnar had cheated on his wife with his best friends wife Olivia. Aslaug turned to Ragnar's ex-wife Lagertha who helped take everything from Ragnar, including Aslaug herself. The whole town shut down for their wedding.

Olivia arrived and kicked up a fuss and it was all the papers talked about for weeks. The hatred of the Godfrey and Lothbrok families was so common place that even the schools weren't safe.

Roman once tipped Ivar from his wheelchair and ended up fighting both Ubbe and Hvitserk. He once smashed one of the Lothbrok car windows and you could still remember watching as Roman's smug face went from smug victory to utter fear as their oldest brother climbed out of the car.

You were aware of both families. Everyone was. You found yourself managing to avoid them all and ended being sucked into the crowd of people who neither swooned over the bad behaviour and disapproved of the families all together.

You managed to remain invisible until you were told to sit between Ivar and Roman in a class. Your teachers attempt to use you as a well behaved barrier put you slap bang in the middle of a war.

Fortunately you were little more than a distraction for your lessons together. You know that as soon as the school year ended and you graduated you'd never see them, personally, again. You'd hoped.

Hvitserk had been caught with a girl behind his college, the tutor was furious he'd encouraged her to skip class and he was expelled. She returned to the school the next day with a rumor that Ivar Lothbrok had a crush on you. The last day of school you found a huge bunch of expensive flowers taped to your door.

"This can only mean bad things." Your friend said rather somberly. She wasn't wrong. Despite graduating you still saw Ivar daily. Your parents owned a cafe and you'd started working there. Suddenly it was the Lothbrok's favourite hang out.

Of course not to be out done Roman had to make an appearance and made a big fuss of spending a small fortune. From then on you saw each one at least once a day. Even the oldest brother, who insisted on you calling him the big bear, visited frequently when he was in town.

"Ivar and his brother are outside." One of the waitresses mumbled as she handed you their usual order.

You rushed to get what they ordered, balancing everything on two trays, knowing what to put in takeaway boxes and what to serve up just by glancing out to see Ivar and Hvitserk. When you reached their table they both smiled. "Some bottles of water too?" Ivar asked as he held out a wad of notes.

You thanked him and went inside, grabbing the water and hading half of the money to the waitress that would have been bussing their table. She smiled gratefully as you went back outside.

Roman strolled in and cleared his throat. He stared at the waitress who tried to take his order, following he gaze when she stuttered out where you were. Roman frowned as he watched you talk with Ivar. Both knew the other was there.

"Does he tip as well as us?" Ivar asked as you started to leave and he saw you hesitate, jumping on the fact that Roman made you more uncomfortable than him. You smiled awkwardly and tried to play along with his joke as you went back in.


"Godfrey is pissed!" Ivar declared as he and Hvitserk walked to the car. Hvitserk paused waiting as Ivar fiddled with his crutches so he could hold his phone as well as walk with them.

"Why? What've you done?" Hvitserk asked, walking over to read Ivar's texts. "You told her you invited her to a party?"

"Yeah. We're going to need to throw one by the way." Ivar said as he made his way to the car. Hvitserk nodded to the driver and sighed.

"We can't. After the last party Lagertha said no more. Besides Mum and Lagertha are away so they're not going to say yes." As soon as Hvitserk looked at Ivar he regretted speaking. Ivar looked as if he had a plan.

"Bjorn's back. We should throw a welcome party." Ivar muttered glancing at Hvitserk who was now holding his head in his hands.

"Fine. But we can't let any Godfrey friends in. They'll sneak him in." Hvitserk scolded but Ivar shrugged.

"I know. I want them to see me with her. He is not going to get (Y/N)." Ivar was so confident that Hvitserk had no doubt he could win. Buy Roman was determined and even with all the Lothbrok boys gathered to force him to back off he stayed.

"Ivar that is the worst idea you've ever had." Hvitserk said through a sigh as he sat back in the seat and decided to just go along with Ivar's mad scheme.

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