Beach (Part Two)

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When people began arriving on the beach it was midday and you were stretched out on the warm sand with Roman's head on your stomach. You opened your eyes when he flipped over and pouted as his eyes wondered over the beach.

"You hungry?" He asked when your belly rumbled.

"Yeah." You sighed, stretching like a cat and smiling at him.

He grabbed his wallet and left you on the beach as he headed to the nearest shop. You started getting worried when the sun became low in the sky and he still hadn't returned, packing up your things you decided to go look for him.

After a few minutes of searching you found him flirting with a girl in the smallest bikini you'd ever seen, you hurried past him without a word and he didn't notice you until you made the car alarm go off.

"Hey, sorry I got distracted." Roman said as he hurried over to you and handed you the food.

"I saw." You snapped as you waited for him to unlock the car.

"There's a bonfire later we should go." Roman said as he watched you get in the car and shut the door.

"I'm good we've been out all day." You huffed.

"Oh well I'll drop you home if you want, I said I'd go." Roman didn't even notice the hurt look you gave him as you nodded.

You were quiet all the way home as you tried to tell yourself that having feelings for Roman was a stupid idea, especially when he didn't ever think of any particular girl as anything more than a source of release.

"You ok?" Roman asked when he finally decided you weren't your usual chirpy self because you were upset, not tired.

"Fine." You said trying to sound upbeat.

Roman sighed when he stopped at the end of the drive. Normally you'd wait for him to open your door, hug him and if you'd spent a particularly good day together kiss him on the cheek. Instead you headed inside and slammed the front door.


Your bedroom door opened without anyone knocking, the only person who did that was Roman, claiming that your room was in his house there for both your room and you were his.

"Hey." He said as he waited for you to invite him to sit on your bed.

"I thought you were going to the bonfire." You yawned as you paused your film and moved so he could join you in your huge bed.

"I took tomorrow off and decided to hang out at home." Roman gave no other explanation as he let you snuggle against his chest.

"Can we go back to the beach tomorrow?" You asked with a grin.

"Nope." He said popping the P. "I rented a boat so it's just you and me, plus the water goes near enough to the white towers that I can drive there."

You smiled and glanced up at Roman who smiled back, gripping your chin and gently kissing you, before pulling away and acting as if the intimate moment had never happened.

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