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Roman glared as you smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, they linked arms with you and continued to flirt as you walked with them to class. He couldn't help but follow after you, the burning pit of jealousy in his stomach had him wonder how to draw your attention to him, some actually worthy of you.

He spent all day and only came up with one conclusion. He stood at the top of the steps watching you eat lunch, balanced on the wall outside school, dialling his phone and yelling until he managed to get hold of Pryce.

"I've got someone for one of your fucked up experiments." Roman said before giving him the name of who had been flirting with you and hanging up.

Eventually people began to whisper about you and how anyone who got a little to close seemed to vanish, you'd keep your head down in the corridors and run from one class to the other in hopes of not being caught alone in the corridors.

The only person who would talk to you was Shelly Godfrey, the pair of you spending your free time hidden in a class room, reading or chatting. Her brother Roman would hang around to, although the rare occasions that he did were most awkward due to his cold, wordless, stare that was fixed on you.

It wasn't until you were barged into in the corridor, hard enough for your books to skim across the shiny plastic floor, hitting his feet that Roman actually said anything to you. He chased the other teens of and helped you to your feet, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and smiling smugly.

"You should be careful with who you bump into, wouldn't want them to get hurt." He warned cryptically with an odd tone to his voice and let go of your arm.

"Yeah.... Thanks Roman." You mumbled. He smiled when you said his name and handed you your book bag, hurrying away and pulling out his phone as he glared at the person who bumped into you.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now