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"Roman!" Olivia called up the stairs and heavy feet could be heard echoing through the huge house. "You have a friend."

"(Y/N), didn't think I'd see you today." He muttered as he stopped on the stairs, rolling his eyes when Olivia left the two of you alone in the huge house.

"Peter's gone off somewhere and I was bored." You admitted and he smiled.

"Come one." He motioned for you to follow him upstairs.

Neither of you noticed Peter knocking on the door or that one of the maids had left him in. In fact even when he'd pushed open Roman's door and stood in shock as he watched you kissing Roman you didn't notice him.

"What the hell?" Peter snapped making both of you jump.

"Peter!" You gasped and scrambled to grab your clothes while Peter span around so he wouldn't see you and Roman simply watched you dress.

"Go wait outside." Peter sighed in a tone that had you nodding.

"You're gonna get pissy about me dating your sister?" Romand asked as Peter turned to glare at him.

"Yeah, because you're not dating her are you, you just like that she's willing to hop into bed with you." Peter snapped sharply.

"We only had sex for the first time last week and we've been dating for three months... I'll admit since then we've been." Roman stopped when Peter's hand shot out.

"Don't need to know details." He sighed, leaving without talking about what he had intended to with Roman.


"You like him?" Peter asked as you started to leave school.

"Yes." You sighed and tried to step around your brother.

"But he's an asshole, you're sure you really like him?" He asked again and watched you carefully.

"Yes I like him, if I didn't I wouldn't be dating him ok, so just move or i'll push you down the steps." You grumbled which made Peter laugh.

"You couldn;t push me if you tried... tell Roman..." He smirked when you cut him off.

"That if he hurts me you'll kill him?" You asked and he shook his head.

"If he hurts you i'll tell Mom and Destiny and he can deal with two Rumancek woman protecting one of their own, we both know how that works out." Peter smiled when you laughed and nodded, walking to Roman's car with his arm slung around your shoulder.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now