The Quirky Witch

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"Go and see (Y/N)." Destiny sighed and shooed the boys out of her apartment, shutting the door on their heels.

"Whose (Y/N)?" Roman asked curiously.

"Another witch, basically a younger Destiny but kind of, uses a different kind of magic and we don't normally ask her she's a little off." Peter muttered the word magic with such sarcasm Roman wondered how his eyes hadn't rolled out of his head.

"So... werewolves and witches is that a thing?" Roman asked curiously.

"No, just happens to be so." Peter chuckled, pointing the way to your house once they'd climbed into Roman's car.

When they reached your house, the door was open, Peter swore softly under his breath, pushing into the house which had all sorts of clutter around.

"Oh, hi Peter." You hummed when you saw him.

"The door was open again, you're going to get robbed if you... (Y/N) what's burning!" Peter hurried around your apartment as you shuffled over to Roman who watched you curiously.

"What're you?" You asked as you reached him before Peter could step between the two of you.

"Roman Godfrey." Roman told you as you took his hand, stroking across his palm so gently it raised Goosebumps across his arms.

"I said what not who." You grumbled. "Peter's a werewolf, he has a moon hung over his head, it tells me how far along the month he is."

"What's over my head?" Roman asked curiously.

"Nothing, that's why I asked." You proceeded to inspect ever line on Roman's hand, even the ones at the side.

"(Y/N) we need some help..." Peter sighed when Roman smiled at you and cut in.

"Upir, why don't I have anything over my head?" He asked and you shrugged, looking up at him with his hand still in yours.

"Because you're not hungry, or because you're important... important ones don't show up even when they are hungry." You smiled and turned to Peter who was leaning against the wall waiting for you to focus.

"We need your help with..." Peter tried again.

"OH!" you squealed over him. "You should sit down, I'm supposed to ask guests to sit, down, aren't I?" You pulled them over to the little sitting area and sat down.

"(Y/N) ..."

"Tea or a drink, you're supposed to give people drinks... do you want anything?" You asked, interrupting Peter again. You hurried off to the kitchen before they could answer.

"See what I mean, she won't sit still let enough focus on anything." Peter grumbled to Roman who was staring at you.

"Pretty though." He grunted out which made Peter flinch.

"I guess, just don't think about it, we think her Mom was part succubus." Peter smiled when you came back with tea and sat down again.

"I can't help with the spell you need." You told Peter and crossed your legs.

"Why?" He sighed knowing he'd get an odd answer.

"Well, the moons too far out and I don't have the ingredients and I don't feel like magic today." You listed off.

"Why wouldn't it be a magic day, you're a witch." Peter grumbled as he lent on his knees.

"I don't know just sometimes you don't do magic because it doesn't feel like a magic day... I think it might be bad luck." You whispered the last part and Peter slid of the chair to his knees, shuffling over until he could lean his elbows on your legs, holding your head in his hands.

"Please Y/N . Avem nevoie de tine să ne ajuți." Peter begged, making Roman frown.

"Bine, dar dacă vom avea ghinion, este vina ta." You sighed and started gathering things you'd need.

"What'd you ask her?" Roman asked once you'd left the room.

"To help me, she said yes but any bad mojo she gets is being sent our way." Peter watched Roman start to panic which made him laugh. "There's never any bad luck, she's just superstitious and it makes her a little anxious."

"Yeah but there's also no such things as Vampires or Werewolves." Roman pointed out.

"Well we'll just have to see, stop looking at her like that, I'll have to tell Destiny and she's bound to curse you if you try and taint her (Y/N)." Peter grinned when Roman tore his eyes away from you.

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