Christmas Prompt ~ 2019

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You smiled at Roman who looked smug. You were sure he said he'd invited Ivar but for some reason Ivar was two hours late. When an open bar was involved, Ivar and his brothers were never late.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked you when the conversation started to stagnate.

"Yes, it's a wonderful Christmas party, thanks for inviting me." You said politely. You didn't know Roman that well. He'd been into the Lothbrok offices a few times and he'd seen you there, or at publicity events with the Lothbroks. Though you were friends with Ivar, who he openly dislike, he seemed to take a shine to you.

After an hour of awkward chit chat the doors to the party burst open. Ivar hobbled in on his crutches while Hvitserk hopped down the stairs.

"There you are! We missed you." Hvitserk called as he almost scooped you up and carried you to Hvitserk. Ivar smirked at Roman who had moved to the bar at the first sign of the commotion. Hvitserk set you down once you were outside.

"You had to do that in front of everyone?" You asked them.

"We just wanted to come and save you, besides we've got to find Hvit a girl to take home for Christmas." Ivar said and smiled when you hiffed.

"You kidnapped me from a fancy ballroom party to take me girlfriend shopping for Witty?" You asked Ivar.

"Well, if you like, I could always go and put you back." He smiled when you fixed him with a mortified glare and shake your head.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now