Sheriff's Daughter

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You sighed when you saw who your father was arresting. Of course it would be Roman Godfrey, he thought he was better than everyone in Hemlock Grove. Roman glanced over to the cruiser and grinned when he spotted you in the back.

After jerking his head towards the woods you watched Roman being led towards the cruiser before the two officers that had been with your father followed him into the woods.

"Having a ride along with Daddy?" Roman asked as he leant forwards.

"No, its none of your business." You sighed which made him chuckle. You were a little older than your sister's, old enough to enthrall Roman but just shy of being the year above him and your sisters.

"You know you could uncuff me." He pointed out but you ignored him until he'd tugged your hair.

"No I can't." You sighed and hoped your dad would return soon so you didn't have to put up with Roman for long.

"Give you fifty bucks?" He offered after a long pause. You smiled when you saw the group returning and he fell silent.

"We're going to have to take him back and wait for his Mom before I can drop you off." Your Dad told you, frowning when you rolled your eyes and sighed.

"It's ok." You hummed, knowing he could have dropped you off when he'd taken your sisters out that morning.

"You know." Roman said when your father hurried back outside with several officers and hurried off without saying a word to you. "You could get back at him."

"Oh really, how?" You sighed and picked at your nails, not really caring what Roman thought.

"We could fuck, in his car." Roman's tongue darted over his lips as you turned to fix him with a hard look before glancing around and grabbing the small key that would open his handcuffs.

You climbed into the back and slammed the door behind you, straddeling Roman's waist as you leant forward to uncuff him. He moved quickly, removing his jacket, shirt and belt as if he'd had to do it many time in a car which honestly didn't surprise you.

"Always wanted to fuck you in one of these, something about the Sheriff's daughter riding me in the back seat that's appealing." He muttered while tugging your dress over your head.

He swore when you ground against him, scrambling to shove his trousers and boxers down while pushing your panties to the side and lowering you onto him with one quick thrust. He stopped for a moment and stared up at you. You'd expected him to be rough, gripping you tightly and pulling your hair. His hands gently found your hips as he thrust his hips, gently cupping the back of your head as he kissed you.

The sun warmed your skin as the car slowly became hot and humid. The sound of you moving against each other filled the car and the windows began to fog up.

"Roman, stop." You giggled and gently pushed him against the seat. He started to frown at you until you gently leant back in to kiss him, your tongue tracing along his bottom lip as you deepened the gentle kiss.

He let out a low moan and gripped your hips again, your fingers playing with his hair as he fumbled for something with one hand while the other slide to your back. With a final whimper you came, fingers digging into the back of his neck. The sensation caused Roman's eyes to roll and his attempt to find whatever he'd been searching for stopped as he let out a soft groan.

"Shee-it." He moaned as you slumped against his chest before you both rushed to get dressed. "You might want to um..." He pointed out and dangled the handcuffs from his fingers.

"Oh right." you sighed and quickly had him cuffed again before rushing round the car and into your seat as your dad came back.

"Alright we've got to take Roman back and then I'll drop you off." He promised as he hurried into the car and started driving in the direction of the Godfrey mansion.

When you glanced at Roman in the mirror he was staring at you with an odd dazed expression."I'f you want Sherrif I could give her a lift, it'd save you having to possibly leave her again and I guess make up for wasting your time?" Roman offered quickly.

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