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You smiled as a butterfly landed gently on the corner of your book, you gently lifted it off and let it flutter away from your finger tips. You hadn't noticed the two boys watching you as they snuck out of the Godfrey mill, the taller one stopped and stared, the innocence that seemed to surround you contrasted with his dark brooding atmosphere and he was overcome with the desire to gain your attention.

His eyes were on you as he walked to the bright red car a few feet away from the huge metal gates. He glowered when your head snapped up and your eyes fixed onto Peter, you could see the bright green glow of a wolfs aura pulsing around him and knew instantly you should leave before they started towards you.

You sighed as you stepped onto the main road only to have the car drive by you slowly, the long haired wolf seemed to be assessing you, and then they were gone up the road and round the corner leaving you to yourself again.


Roman couldn't stop thinking about you, he was sat in his huge office staring out of the window thinking of nothing but you. a knock on his door pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Mr Godfrey... I'm the private detective you hired." The short unattractive man stumbled in making Roman grumble under his breath at the man's clumsiness.

"Yeah, I just have a description but I know she's in town." Roman muttered handing over a piece of paper that had every detail he could remember jotted down. He had no idea who you were but no one had ever taken full control of his mind before, he wanted you near him and he wasn't accustom to not getting what he wanted.

"Ah Missus running of, we get a lot of those." Before Roman could correct the man he'd stood and left with the information leaving the Upir to stare at the large white and black clock that hung on the wall opposite to his desk.


Hemlock Grove was an odd town; the secretive hive of supernatural energy was no doubt the cause of your infatuation with the quaint town. You skipped down the high street, your powers outstretched and exploring, the way an infant bird spreads its wings.

That was how you knew someone was watching you. at first it was a prickling sensation that you mistook for an Upir presence, seeing as the town was crawling with them.

You smiled scooping an apple off a stall without being noticed and twirled in a circle as the sun caressed your lightly tanned skin. You groaned with satisfaction as you sank your teeth into the bright green fruit and stopped dead, opening your eyes to see Destiny.

"I thought you would be coming here." She muttered slipping a dollar into the tip jar on the stall you'd just stolen from.

"Well it's not like I could resist." You mumble. Destiny had been the one to find you, leaving her Aunt and Nephew alone in a time of need, to stop you from recklessly using your powers. She soon had you under control, although most of the time she was incredibly vocal on your life choices.

"Peter says he saw you at the old mill, what's there?" She asked blankly. You knew when there was something wrong she'd get to the point wanting to waste no time in fixing the problem.

"That feeling, the one I told you about." You almost missed Destiny's hand hesitating as she went to inspect the product at the next stall.

"So you followed the feeling, despite me telling you it would never end well." She said, her tone soft with motherly disapproval. You shrugged, the feeling you'd been following got stronger the closer you got to Hemlock Grove and you were overcome with the need to find it.


Roman flipped through the files in front of him. He found your address and that you had no job plus you had no relatives in town. He sighed and began plotting how to 'bump' into you, he reread the file that held your weekly schedule.

Once he'd gotten bored with playing grownup he left the office and went to meet Shelly at the country club, knowing she'd be waiting for him at their usual table. He arrived earlier than he'd planned and began dozing off in the afternoon sun, not caring that he was drawing the attention of the many people around him.

"Roman?" He looked up to see you looking at him. He smiled and traced his index finger down your jawline, letting his fingers run down your neck and pushed the thin straps of your dress down off your shoulders as he stood and kissed your neck.

"Mine." He hissed as he sank his teeth into your neck groaning as your blood pulsed into his mouth.

You gasped, sitting up and feeling the tender spot on your neck. On closer inspection you saw a deep purple hicky where this Roman boy had bitten you. You knew that dreams were special but you had no idea what the dream meant.

You flipped open your laptop and googled the logo you'd seen on the back of Roman's chair and was pleasantly surprised that you could reach the place in half an hour if you walked. You went to open the door and jumped slightly finding Destiny stood on your doorstep with a brooding look.

"You had a dream." She didn't elaborate but you nodded and pulled your baggie cardigan over your shoulders and shoved your keys in your pocket.

"I don't know what it means, do you?" you asked as she walked with you to Peter's car and she offered you a lift.

"Deep down you know what it means." You sighed as she was more cryptic than usual but said nothing as she started the car and began driving in the direction you directed her. When she pulled up you could feel the same thrum of energy that had pulled you to Hemlock Grove.

Then you saw him, the same brooding boy that had been with Peter. He began walking towards you, smiling when he realised your feet were pulling you towards him without you realising you were walking.

Your arms wrapped around his neck and his arms snaked around your waist, time seemed to slow and you didn't notice Destiny smiling at you both. His fingers played across the bruise on the base of your neck and bit his lip before pressing a hard kiss to it.

"God I thought you'd never friking find me." He whispered against your neck and his fingers fisted your dress.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now