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Roman smiled as he pulled up next to you and Peter, he ignored the jealous twinge in his gut as Peter slung an arm around you while he laughed.

"Hey (Y/N)." Roman muttered reaching out if the car to grab the back of your neck and kiss you. you smiled and slid into the back of the car while Peter and Roman began talking.

"So (Y/N) and I were thinking of crashing that party at the mill, you want to go?" Peter asked Roman who glowered at the pair of you in the rear-view mirror.

"Really, what party?" He snapped. You pulled out the paper flier and lent forwards wrapping your arms around his shoulders and leaning your head on his neck. He hummed as you began telling him who would be there and eventually pulled up in the parking lot of the diner he was taking you to.

"Well I think it'll be fun." Peter said, opening the door for you. you smiled and began joking around with him while Roman locked the car. As soon as he was done his arm found its way around your waist and ever curious glance at you was met with a devilish stare daring them to attempt talking with you.


"Roman come on dance!" You yell over the thumping music and sway your hips, his only response was to bite his lip at the new skin your rotating hips exposed due to the shortness of your dress.

"I don't dance (Y/N) can't we just drink and fuck in the bathroom?" He grumbled when you gripped his belt and pulled him forwards, once your arms were wrapped around his neck he began to loosen up and smile and he began moaning as he pressed kisses to the base of your neck.

"Roman really?" You giggle as his hands found their way up your thighs. He chuckled and kissed you before telling you to stay where you were and wait for Peter.

"Hey where's Roman?" Peter asked as he joined you a few minutes later.

"Oh he didn't say, so bestie how's this secret girlfriend of yours?" You say poking Peter who chuckled and shoved you playfully.

"Hey... I'm so having words with Destiny, she tells you everything." He chuckled when you rolled your eyes and grabbed two plastic cups of beer from a boy's hands as he walked past, letting you take them when you smiled.

"Duh... I grew up with you two she's gonna tell me everything, leverage my man." You tap the plastic glasses together and he can't help but laugh as you down it and begin dancing to the music.


"Peter just gimmi a minute, I need the bathroom." You slurred as you stumbled into the girl's room. You turned and froze seeing Roman pounding a girl against the wall, half way through sniffing a line of white powder from her shoulder.

"Shit... (Y/N) I can ..." Before he finished you turn and yank the door open. Peter catches a glimpse of Roman buttoning his jeans as he ran after you and couldn't help but slam a hand against his chest.

"You're a fucking piece of shit Roman." He yelled shoving the Upir and storming after you.

He shoved through the crowd and reached you as you pushed through the metal gates. The two of you were close enough to know that neither one wanted to talk so he just let you plod along until your heels hurt too much to walk so he gave you a piggy backed.

His mother said nothing when he walked into the trailer with you fast asleep on his back and set you in his bed. You snuffled and rolled over as you settled into the familiar bed.

"What happened?" Lynda asked from the doorway. She'd kept an eye on you ever since your mother dumped you on Destiney's doorstep at fifteen, sometimes you'd even hit the road with them so she was worried by your massacre streaked face.

"Roman was screwing so girl in the bathroom for coke, she caught him, I brought her home." Peter growled as he pulled the duvet around you and storming out of the trailer and heading up the garden steps.

"Peter what're you going to do?" Lynda asked as she grabbed his arm to stop him, but jerked back when his eyes fixed on her. "Peter calm down." She warned realising how close he was to loosing control.

"He can't do this to her, he thinks I'm going to let him hurt (Y/N) and not do anything." Peter hissed and threw a punch at the wall next to him.

"Fine, I can't stop you from going but you need to keep control of yourself." Lynda threw her hands up and went back inside ready to wait on you hand on foot until she made you feel better.


"ROMAN!" Peter slammed his hand on the door until Roman opened it, rolling his eyes as he lent smugly against the door frame.

"Let me guess you're here because she's so sad even though in a week she'll be back here, with me." Roman's smug smile made Peter lose control and he rammed into the Upir, who swung for Peter's face.

"You don't get to keep fucking up Roman, pretty soon she's not going to come back." Peter yelled as he left a solid smack on Roman's face. Despite the nose bleed and the werewolf pinning him to the floor, Roman began to laugh.

"She always comes back Peter, every fucking time, you never had a shot with her and you never will." He shoved Peter hard enough to throw him over to the door.

"Yeah well I'll be the one with her when she walks out of your life." Peter spat as he got up and stormed out of the building.

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