The Beach

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After Peter had left Roman became increasingly clingy which is how you ended up living with him. At first you couldn't even go to the bathroom without opening the door and finding Roman pressed closely against in case you hurried down the stairs and vanished.

Recently however he'd literally began ignoring you, he'd be up before you and when he came back from the Godfrey industry's he'd either drink in silence or you'd be in bed long before he came back.

You purposely set your alarm so you could catch Roman before he went to work and skidded down the stairs as he was sliding his coat on. On instinct he put a hand out as you slid down the bottom step of the stairs in your hurry, he smiled slightly when you flushed but pretended to not be fazed by it.

"Are you avoiding me?" You asked confidently, blushing slightly when the Upir's gaze locked on you.

"No why would I be avoiding you?" He chuckled.

"Oh um... never mind then." You smiled awkwardly and ducked your head.

"Did you want anything?" Roman asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Well there is one thing." You said carefully.

"Is it extraordinarily expensive?" Roman joked as he grabbed his keys and began walking to the front door.

"No actually it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow and I was ... wondering if we could go to the beach." You avoided looking at him when he didn't answer.

"I don't know (Y/N), I have meetings that day." He said quickly.

He hurried out of the house and you trudged back to your room, flopping on the bed disappointedly. Despite the boy being the most infuriating person you'd ever had the misfortune of meeting you'd grown fond of his and fondness quickly turned into awkward affection.


The next morning you were roused by a thumping on your bedroom door, with a pout fixed firmly on your face you opened the door to find no one there. Before you could shut the door Roman hurried out of his room, tugging on a t-shirt, as he instructed Anna on what to do while he was out.

"Come on I thought you wanted to go to the beach." Roman said when he saw you stood in your silky pyjamas.

"It was silly I don't want to go." You huffed assuming he'd told Anna to take you while he was at work.

"Come on (Y/N), my last day off was almost a year ago... don't make me go without you." Roman grinned when you stood a suspicious step towards him.

"You're coming with me?" He nodded at you and you hugged him tightly. "I need ten minutes!" You yelled as you hurried back into your room.

Thirty minutes later you were in Roman's car, practically buzzing with excitement as he revved the engine of his long forgotten Roadster and sped away from your woodland home towards the beach.


You tugged Roman to the empty beach and grinned, despite being the first day of the summer none of Hemlock Grove's residence were awake yet leaving it entirely empty for you and Roman.

"Roman come on!" You yelled as you tugged off your cover up to reveal your strapless swim suit and jogged down the beach to the water.

He took a moment to take you in, your hair streaming behind you as you reached the water's edge a turned back to him with an outstretched hand, he smiled and stripped down to his shorts and picked you up when he was close enough.

"Roman stop it's cold!" You squealed when he picked you up and wadded into the water with you, threatening to jump under the water.

"Don't worry (Y/N) I'm not that mean." He chuckled. "But isn't half the point of this to go swimming?" He asked as he swam even further out.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now