Safe and Sound

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Roman rolled his eyes as soon as he opened the front door. He was beyond tempted to turn right back around and go to the office. The baby was crying again. He couldn't understand why you could never shut it up. All he had to do was pick the child up and it went quiet. You ran around all day like it was stressful and hard. It didn't do anything.

"I'm home." He called, though he wasn't surprised that no one answered. "Not that anyone cares about me."

"Roman?" You called as he walked towards the kitchen. When you walked out to see if it was him you smiled and dumped the baby in his arms. "Thank god you're home, I've been trying to finish this all day."

He scowled as you walked away. The baby was now silenced and happily leant against him. She looked up at him curiously and smiled. "I don't see how hard it is to look after you."

"Well all she does is cry. Not everyone has the magic touch like you." You said sarcastically as you came back. You paused a moment before sighing. "Do you think you could look after her tonight."


"Please, I have plans."

"I don't want to."

"You don't want to spend any time with your daughter?" You pressed and he groaned.

"Fine. But not for long." He relented. You rolled your eyes and went upstairs to get ready.

You came back down a few minutes later, finding him sitting on the floor with her, watching a kids tv show. The baby was more focused on the toy than the tv. Roman on the other had didn't notice you until you clear your throat.

"You'll be ok while I'm gone?" You asked him and he shrugged, turning back to the TV.

Roman had dozed off for a while, he woke up with a start. Glancing around he realised it was late enough that the kids channel was no longer running shows. The baby had gone. He heaved himself up to his feet and looked around, confused. He couldn't see her anywhere.

Rushing upstairs he checked all the rooms, the living room and the kitchen. He checked them twice. Then he heard a gurgling from one of the cupboards, yanked the door open and sighed.

"There you are!" He muttered as he picked her up, bouncing after a little as he cuddled her. "Let's get you to sleep."

He carried her upstairs as he heard the door clicked open. "I'm back." You said quietly. Roman paused on the stairs as he turned around and smiled at you.

"She's tired." He muttered and kissed her forehead as he turned back to go upstairs.

"She's not the only one." You said as you followed them up, watching in the doorway as he put her to bed.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now