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Roman had asked you to be his date to a fundraiser meal you hadn't thought it wold be so mind meltingly boring. Roman winked as he slowly slid a hand up your thigh and under your dresses skirt.

"I'll be back; I need to drink if I'm going to last much longer." He complained.

"We could always go home; it'd be much more fun." You said with a lusted tone to your voice as you ran his tie through your finger. He pulled his bottom teeth through his lips while tugging his tie from your fingers and tucked it back into his waist coat.

"My cars closer." He grunted back and walked to the bar, quickly ordering whisky as he lent on the bar, when he turned back he found you'd opted to move among the party guests and asking awkward questions.

You caught his eyes and ran on hand over the top of your strapless dress while the other played with the bottom of it. He smirked and downed his drink, slamming it on the bar, and pushing away from it.

He gripped your waist and turned you so your back was flush with his chest. His fingertips replacing your own, smirking when you gasped as he nipped you're the base of you neck, gripping your hips to keep you from sliding away from him.

"(Y/N) play nice." He grunted when Pryce dragged someone over to him. You shimmied your ass against his crotch, he attempted to talk with the man in front of him, coughing slightly to cover up a groan.

He smiled and nodded while you linked on hand with his and continued to grind against him but harder. When he glanced down at you he saw a smug smile plastered on your face and seemed to be completely unaffected by his arousal that was pressed against your back.

"When we got home..." He started but had to stop when someone wanted to shake his hand.

"Hmm watch ya gonna do Roman, fuck me in the car, living room, bedroom ooh and don't forget your super comfy bathtub." You whispered to him. His jaw clenched and his eyes darkened as he glanced over at the clock, now clearly counting down the minutes until you could both leave.


Roman picked you up and wrapped your legs round him as soon as you got home, almost forgetting to shut the door in his hurry to get you inside.

"Strip, I'll be right behind you." He muttered as he set the alarms on the doors.

He stopped in the doorway, licking his lips as he looked you up and down, sprawled across his hug silk covered bed. He slowly shed his clothes, loving the way you watched him closely, and slowly palmed him member before wondering over to you.

"Your far too comfortable in my bed." Roman muttered. You shrugged and lent up, kissing him harshly, while pulling him down onto the bed until he was hovering over you. "No princess, you don't get to play all night and get away with it." Roman snapped when you rolled your hips to meet his.

A devilish grin gifted Roman's face as he suddenly moved and gave you no warning when he threw your legs over his shoulders, lifted your hips, and buried his head between your thighs. Your gasped as his tongue lapped the warm folds, occasionally moving to suck on your clit before returning to his treacherously slow laps at your core.

He kept going until you had almost reached your high, your body stiffening and clenching under his hypnotic touch. All too soon he let go, dropping you back to the bed, and crawling up to kiss you loving the sound you made when his teeth tugged on your bottom lip.

"Cause you've been so bad can I fuck you rough?" Roman grunted when he looked over you naked body and gently slid a hand to your breast. You knew you were the only one he asked, other girls were screwed and ditched, you however caused Roman no end of frustration and all because of how captivatingly beautiful he thought you were.

"Last time you asked that we broke the headboard." You mumbled, arching you back and wobbling the headboard behind you. He took your exposed position as an advantaged and sloppily covered the breast he wasn't rubbing into his mouth, lapping at the now hardened bud, and drawing the mist delicious sounds from your lips.

"I need a new bed any way." He muttered as he began placing butterfly kisses across you collar bone and moved to the other breast. He glanced up at you when you wrapped your legs around his waist and crossed your ankles, a smirk playing with his mouth as he moved to line himself with your entrance.

He slammed inside you, allowing only enough time for you to adjust, glancing at you as if to make sure he hadn't hurt you, before pounding into you with enough force to make your breath hitch. Every flick of his hips filled you completely, your throat was dry from panting and moaning, your high building steadily as Roman refused to slow or soften his pace.

"Roman... ahh." You arched up against him, drawing his attention to you as he watched you come, your walls clenching around him as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. He slowed his pace enough to watch you come down, enjoying every second of your weakened state, making you come undone a second time pleased him even more.

"You so fucking perfect (Y/N)." He grunted as he continued his rough assault. He smiled when all you could do was gasp his name and happily dropped his body so you were both pressed together, kissing you greedily, in an attempt to maximise his contact with you.

You smiled when his head dropped to the base of your neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin, as his thrusts became sloppy. You knew he was close and gently tugged his hair so he would look at you.

"Please cum Roman... please." You begged with a breathy pout. He smirked and nodded.

"Fuck... (Y/N) ... Shee-it." He hissed as his member twitched and he filled you with one last thrust. He watched you through heavy lids as you came with him, collapsing into his bed and pulling you close. "Don't think you can tease me and get away with it." Roman grunted.

"Will I always be punished like this." You asked sweetly as he grabbed at the sheets and covered you both.

"Most definitely." He mumbled.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now