Shelly's Friend

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You peered out of the water at the looming girl. She looked rather dangerous compared to any of the humans that came down to look in the bay however, she'd proven herself to be nicer than her fearsome appearance and you couldn't quite hold of your curiosity.

Swimming so she could see you, you lent your arms on the jagged rock, tilting your head as you watched her and waited for her to notice you. As soon as she did she smiled and waved, you waved back, getting a little too excited when she came over and your tail twitched into sight.

"Hello." She tapped into the box in her hand without even taking in the tail as if she'd met you before.

"Hello." You copied.


Shelly smiled when she saw you waiting for her, flowing through the water and humming to yourself, waiting for you friend to come and sit with you in the lazy summer afternoon. When she was close enough you hopped onto one of the smoother rocks and the two of you began talking.

"Shelly!" A tall boy hurried down to the water's edge and froze when he saw you scrambling to get into the water.

"Roman I didn't know you were looking for me." Shelly's phone blared out.

"What was that?" Roman asked as he stared into the water.

"What do you mean?" Shelly looked hopefully up at her brother who was still pointing at the water.

You jumped out and pushed yourself onto the bank behind him, inspecting him from behind while Shelly tried not to giggle. You were thankful that Shelly had taught you English in the time that you knew her because you could understand his string of incoherent blubbering.

"Mermaid... that was a mermaid." Roman jabbed his fingers at the water and you had to jump back in when you giggled and he span around.


"What's wrong Glowbug?" Roman sighed as he headed up to the attic to see what Shelly was doing.

"People are putting thing in the water and it's hurting other people." Even Shelly's phone sounded sad and Roman had to hug her to stop her tears dribbling down her cheeks.

"When you say people you mean the mermaid right because I know I saw a mermaid." Roman asked making Shelly giggle.

"Yes her tails gone a funny colour." Shelly reluctantly answered.

"Peter told me I was seeing things I knew it was real." Roman nodded and watched Shelly's head hang as if she'd given up.

"I wish there was somewhere she could go without being hurt by the stuff in the water." She looked up at Roman who sighed.

"Well go get her." He stood and started calling Peter while Shelly headed to the lift.


"I do not like the furry one he smells like dog." You complained as you were crammed into a large boat with wheels and speed away somewhere.

"Yeah well you smell like fish but I'm not complaining." The boy grumbled.

"That's Peter he's a Werewolf." Shelly informed you.

"Oh is it serious?" You asked assuming it was some sort of human illness.

"Nah just plays up once a month, what about you does your tail come off?" Peter asked as he twisted in the front seat to look at you lay across the back with your head on Shelly's lap.

"I should hope not!" You gasped.

"Peter stop offending the mermaid." Roman muttered.

"I didn't know it would offend her in all the movies their tails disappear." Peter defended himself.

"Honestly, one mermaid had to show off to Mr Anderson and now everyone thinks we can shed out tails." You pouted and Roman cleared his throat.

"Road!" Peter hissed as he grabbed the wheel for Roman who was staring at you.


Roman cleared his throat as he approached the huge pool that had been created for you. It was near the back of the Godfrey estate and over looked the river. When you saw him you vanished into the water, still a little nervous whenever he approached, mostly because of the odd stare he fixed you with.

"(Y/N)?" Roman asked and you rose out of the water until the tip of your nose met the air.

He chuckled and held out a large chunk of chocolate. You hurried to hop onto the sandy area around the pool and took it quickly, gobbling it up and looking at him expectantly.

"I'm sorry I didn't bring anymore." He shrugged and sat next to you.

"That is alright." You smiled and his eyes glazed.

"We should put a roof on here for when it rains." Roman muttered.

Your tail swished in the water and he grinned realizing what he'd said and shook his head. He still felt a little dazed every time he saw you, forgetting exactly how beautiful you were until the next time he got to see you.

"I'd ask you out on a date but um... you have a tail so I have no idea what I'm supposed to do." Roman pursed his lips and frowned out over the view.

He snapped his head back to look at you when you lent your own on his shoulder, resting one of your hands in his as you both looked down over the river.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now