Birthday Party

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Roman smiled to himself when he opened the front door to find you hopping from one foot to the other as you waited to be let in the giant mansion. You let his take your coat and hurried up the stairs to Shelly's room, his eyes followed you until you were out of sight, causing him to let out a harsh breath.

He spent the entire evening trying to talk himself out of interrupting your time with Shelly, if he had to admit it he was jealous of the time you spent with her, but had to remind himself that you were there to keep is sister company. Deep down he wasn't the sort of boy to ruin the only friendship his sister had just because he wanted to hook up with you.

"Roman can you give (Y/N) a ride home?" Shelly's phone asked, Roman nodded and smiled at his sister who grinned back as he thumbed her cheek.

"Shure thing Glowbug... you look sad." Roman added as he stood from the chair he'd been lounging in and shrugged on his suit jacket.

"(Y/N)'s birthday is tomorrow... she's going to be alone." The tone of the phone contrasted with the clear emotions that coated Shelly's face.

"Well... I'll see what I can do." Roman promised as he took the stairs two at a time to find you.


"Roman where are we going?" You asked as he guided you through the Godfrey mansion, his hands tight on a blind fold round your eyes.

"It's a surprise." He muttered. "Tada!" He mumbled when he pulled the blindfold off and revealed an expensive looking outfit laid out in one of the spare bedrooms.

"You didn't have to... it's beautiful." You whispered, stroking your fingers over the expensive silky fabric, he watched you as if he was in a trance unable to look away as you turned to him with wide eyes of appreciation.

"Get dressed and meet me at the bottom of the stairs." He winked and hurried out, letting you get dressed.

When you reached the foot of the stairs Roman was waiting in a black tux, he politely held out his arm to link with yours and he led you into the large room at the back of the mansion that could only been called a ballroom.

It was littered with light pink balloons, trailing fairy lights and silvery pink streamers. Shelly was stood in the middle of the room, a dress of her own in a similar colour to yours, smiling brightly at you as music began playing.

"Happy birthday." Shelly tapped out on her phone. You grinned and took her hands, swaying and twirling along with her and the music, laughing happily with her.


Eventually Shelly got tired and headed to bed but Roman decided to take over her position which was why you were now resting your head on his shoulder, his arms around your waist as the pair of you rotated on the spot.

"So seeing as your outfit was a gift from Shelly I should really ask you what you would like for your birthday." Roman mumbled as you looked up at him and moved your arms around his neck.

"What can I have?" You asked curiously, unsure whether this was one of Roman's odd games or a genuine offer.

"Whatever you like." He hummed. He waited for you to ask for something but frowned and looked down when you didn't speak. "Your blushing, what is it that my little (Y/N) wants?" He whispered.

"I... I want my first kiss, please." You mumbled quietly, so quietly that Roman almost missed what you'd said.

Without another word his lips were pressed to yours as he pulled you tightly against him, he hummed happily as your eyes fluttered closed, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip in an attempt to make the affection less innocent.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)." He mumbled against your lips with a soft smile.

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