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You weren't sure why you didn't tell Roman where you'd gone that day. The day had been a lot of fun, Peter had you laughing and joking along with him until your ribs hurt, almost forgetting that Roman planned on staying at yours.

When Peter told you he'd replied to Roman's text, demanding to know were the two of you were, your heart sinking a little as your realized the later you were getting home the worse Roman's fit would be.

Sure enough when you got home Roman was sat on your doorstep, glaring out at the rain as if he could stop it with sheer will power. When he saw you he stood, stumbling down the steps and checking if Peter was with you.

"Roman I'm sorry I'm late but you should have stay in your car you'll get sick." You fussed.

It was an unspoken secret that you both knew, Roman had befriended you because you were both nurturing and kind hearted while being utterly malleable to his every whim. Try as you might you could neither shake him or convince yourself to stop hanging around with him.

"Come on let's get you inside." You sighed when he didn't say anything to you.


Roman had showered and let you sit him on your desk chair, still staying utterly silent, letting you wrap him up in a blanket and stroke his hair before walking across your room and settling down at the edge of your bed.

"Why're you so grumpy?" You sighed. "I thought you and Peter were friends."

He suddenly burst into tears, snuffling and whimpering quietly, the sight alone enough to encourage you to comfort him. The Upir closed his eyes as your hands ran through his hair and over his neck, cupping his face or stroking over his cheek bones.

"You can't just leave me for him..." Roman snuffled out.

"Roman, darling we're just friends." You promised but it did nothing to console the boy who had gripped onto your wrist and stroked circles into it before dropping his hands into his lap.

"You like him more don't you?" Roman asked through tears and you shook your head.

"No we're friends just like you and me." You sighed out hoping he'd calm down.

"But I don't want you to be, I don't want him to think about you how I do... you shouldn't be looking after him like you do with me." Roman's tears were dribbling down his face and your swiped them away with your thumb, gently stroking it over his lips.

"Roman you're being ridiculous, I don't like Peter more than you and I care about you a lot so I'm not going to forget about you." Your insistence did nothing but the soft rhythm of the pad of your thumb on his lips had his eyes falling shut.

When his eyes snapped open he was no longer crying and all trace of endearing emotion had vanished. You realized that yet again you'd played right into his game and a glint of pride over his possession of you flickered in the cold blue.

"So you won't be alone with him again." Roman said.

You didn't say anything but nodded slightly, it seemed to satisfy him and he pulled you up from your kneeling position between his legs and sat you on his lap, wrapping you up in the blanket with him.

"Good, he can't have you and Letha." He snapped.

You wanted to tell him you weren't his to order around, perhaps you'd have told him to shove it and hurried from your house to find Peter. But you were helplessly addicted to the boy, the charming hold he had over you was intoxicating in a way you could never understand.

"No one will take me from you Roman." You mumbled.

He nodded, pleased with your answer, and let your head drop against his neck. You could try and fight Roman as much as you wanted but you didn't have the will power to hold out against him.

You loved him. It was as simple as that and you knew he had some sort of feelings for you, despite how much they confused him, they were there to. It was the reason you were treated better than anyone else who knew Roman.

All hiss sincere feelings and affections were saved for you; every worried forehead kiss or afternoon lay in your lap only worsened the confusing storm of emotion he felt for you. The only thing he really understood about the two of you was that you were his, he believed you when you said the words.

And he'd keep believing you. Even when the words no longer held any truth.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now