Panic (Part Two)

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The day in the stairwell had you slowly roped into the boy's lives, werewolves, Upirs and Vargulfs became your daily issues. You even moved in with Destiny when the part of Hemlock you were living in got a little too rough for everyone's likening.

"Peter?" Destiny called out and the boy groaned from his spot on the sofa. "Wasn't (Y/N) supposed to be at work an hour ago?"

When Peter looked up he found Destiny stood on a chair so she could look out of the window. He got up and lifted her out of the way, frowning when he saw you sat in the car with your knuckles clenched on the steering wheel.

"I guess I'll go see what's wrong." Peter mumbled.


"(Y/N)?" Peter asked as he lent on the car.

"Hi!" You squeaked out through a haggard breath.

"You gonna let me in?" He chuckled and you shook your head, still breathing heavily and the car seemed to shrink around you. "It's ok (Y/N) ... I can call Roman and he can talk to you if you like."

You didn't answer, in fact everything around you seemed close and far away all at once. When Peter tapped on the window again it sounded like an echo and you didn't move. The first sign of movement Peter saw was you jumping when Roman hopped into the back and Peter took the seat next to you.

"So why're you panicking this time?" Roman asked.

"I don't know ok, just everything ever." You said and Peter chuckled.

"Good reason to panic I guess." He smiled and slowly prised your hands of the steering wheel. "If it's the people at work you don't have to go in today."

"But if I don't I can't help pay for stuff and then we'll have nowhere to live and nothing to eat and then I'll have to get another job to make up for it so I might as well go to work even though the people there are awful and make me have panic attacks and..." You stopped when Peter slapped a hand over you mouth.

"Breath." He hummed and let you go.

"You shouldn't let people push you around." Roman offered as advice and you frowned at him in the mirror.

"It's not like I mean to it's just..." You trailed off and sighed.

"Get a new job." Roman muttered.

"Roman believe it or not but it's pretty hard for us normal people to get jobs." Peter chuckled.

"Maybe he's right." You mumbled and glanced nervously at Peter.

"We don't want you to do something you don't want to do (Y/N)." Peter gripped your hand and you smiled.

"Thanks." You mumbled.

"We're here for you." Peter promised and glared at Roman until he agreed.

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