One Night Stand (Part Two)

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Your pregnancy had been rather awkward. Both Peter and Roman seemed forever in competition with each other, once you'd moved into Roman's spare room he tried to block Peter from the house only for you to point out that there was space for Peter to live there too.

Roman couldn't help but feel jealous at how the two of you just seemed to come together, he tried to be helpful and comforting but it was much harder than Peter made it look. Most of your pregnancy Peter was there for everything, Roman how ever gave up and chose to fund whatever you needed.

Both boys paced outside the delivery room as they waited for someone to tell them how you were. When they were allowed to see you Roman was occupied with making sure you were ok while Peter's focus was in the child.


Peter left for work as you settled your daughter down for the night, when you glanced up to find Roman watching you awkwardly in the doorway. He reluctantly let you beckon him forward and settled the little girl in his arms.

"She's so small." Roman whispered as he looked down at her.

"She's bigger than she was a few days ago." You said with a happy sigh, it was the first time he'd really acknowledged the child.

"She likes me." Roman mumbled and you couldn't help dazzle him with a wide smile.

Roman sat with your daughter for several hours, both of them falling asleep together and you didn't have the heart to move either of them. When Peter came home the two of you had a few minutes to yourself until a loud string of crying had you both hurrying upstairs.

"Shh please stop... I'll buy you nice things... you don't need to cry." Roman was babbling over the child who was still screeching.

"Here." Peter muttered as he took the baby from Roman and instantly had her calm again.

"She woke up and just started crying." Roman explained, scowling when you giggled.

"It's ok Roman." You said quickly, kissing his cheek as he ran a hand through his hair.

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