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Roman was slumped on the floor, an empty whisky tumbler had rolled across the floor, his eyes heavy as he snoozed softly. You reach out and gently pried the now empty bottle of whisky from his hands and slapped his face softly in an attempt to wake him.

"It's no use I've tried that; he's been asleep for hours." Anna said from behind you. She motioned to Conway, who half carried, half dragged him upstairs and settling him in bed.

"Thank you, I'll keep an eye on him." You muttered to the butler who nodded and excused himself as you rounded the bed and tried to make Roman more comfortable. You undid his shirt buttons, careful not to wake him up, and slid his shirt off before pulling the covers around him and deciding to head downstairs to cook something.


You heard Roman's soft whimpering from downstairs. The noise had you jumping up from your spot on his leather sofas and running up the stairs as quickly as you could.

"Roman... hey it's ok." You whispered as you hurried into his room. He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath before dropping his arms to the bed and leaning back on them.

"Why... why are you here?" He asked sleepily. You sat next to him and let his head fall onto your shoulder as you rubbed his back, despite his sweaty state, and tried to calm him down.

"I said I'd come cook dinner for you... you were passed out again." You waited for him to respond but he just hummed and flopped back onto the bed.

"I'm always surprised when you come back to see me." He mumbled as his arms slid under his head.

"Um Roman... we've been friends for over a year, after everything you're going through... that we've all gone through I'm not gonna just ditch you." You explained quickly as he looked at you.

"You would if you knew everything." He said darkly.

"Um Peter's a werewolf, you're an Upir, Destiny is a werewolf and we hate your crazy Mom... I think I got it covered Roman." You chuckled. His expression stopped your laugh and he stood, waiting for you to follow him, he crossed the landing and pressed a code into the silver box on the wall that had you continuously making jokes about Roman becoming batman.

He led you through the first door to another which he opened, revealing a small baby with bright blue eyes staring up at you from a crib, which seemed to be the only piece of furniture in the room.

"Sweetie... I know we've worked on your desire to eat things, people and stuff, but I'm seriously worried as to how you acquired a baby." You said with a slight worried tone in your voice.

"She's Letha's." Roman grunted. You turned to face him with wide eyes before going to approach the baby only to have Roman stop you. "And I'm the father."

Your mouth dropped open as you looked from the curious blue eyes that were watching you carefully and Roman who looked so nervous that he might vomit.

"Look I only told you because you've been here for me for like the last three months and... and I needed to tell someone." Roman rambled.

"You... baby... Letha..." You muttered still staring at the child.

"Yes... (Y/N) ... me... baby... Letha." He sighed, moving back as if he expected you to run out of the door.

"Roman... can I ask why... Letha?" You whimpered slightly whishing your voce was stronger.

"My mother is a class A bitch." Was the only explanation the boy gave you before glaring at the child. "You can make like Peter and never come back now you know the truth." He snapped at you, motioning his hand towards the door.

"Roman I am not leaving, not ever so you want me to go the neh." You childishly stuck your tongue at the boy turned business man who began chuckling at you.

"Promise." He muttered with a slightly vicious growl.

"I promise... although I'm gonna need like two days, one to deal with all this and another to read up on babies... does she eat people?" You whispered the last part to Roman who rolled his eyes and guided you out of the room.

"Call me later, don't just vanish." He grunted. You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him, as usual he did nothing more than enjoy the hug, not bothering to move his arms around you.

"I'll text you every hour." You joked until you glanced back at him to realise he'd taken what you said seriously. "We'll work through this money bags, baby Upir is probably nowhere near as bad as a Vargulf." You said softly.

"Call later... if you don't text I'll send Conway to check on you." He murmured to himself.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now