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Roman?" You said gently as you tried to wake him. He has been drinking at a bar after work and was in an awful mood. You had been hoping to get him to bed so you could give Nadia your undivided attention.

You sighed, leaving Roman drunk and asleep on the sofa. Nadia needed you more than him any way, you told yourself. After checking on her and settling her into bed you headed to your room. Roman's side of the bed was still unmade from the morning.

As you were undressing to shower your phone rang. With a moment of hesitation you sighed and answered.

"Peter?" You muttered and smiled to yourself as you arranged your things ready for once you were done in the bathroom as he explained what he needed help with. "Of course I'll meet you tomorrow. Don't worry I won't tell Roman."

As you hung up the phone and grabbed your shower things you didn't notice the door had opened a crack or that Roman was glaring at you through the door.


You blinked in confusion. It was still dark and Roman was next to you, Nadia wasn't crying so you couldn't figure out why you'd woken up so much earlier than the alarm. Until Roman started to fidget and twitch next to you.

"(Y/N)?" He whimpered. With a gentle frown on your face you leant up to realise he was still asleep.

"Roman?" You said softly and poked his side. He jolted up with a gasp, flopping back against the bed he let out a shaky sigh and patted the bed until he reached your arm and grabbed it tight.

"What's wrong? You asked quickly. He shrugged and rolled over to snuggle against you and pushed your hand into his hair.

"Just a nightmare." He muttered as he tucked his head into your side.

"You want to talk about it?" you asked him as you stroked his hair.

He didn't answer, simply hugging you tighter.

You woke the next morning to find Roman had gone. You assumed to work but after waking yourself up and plodding through to Nadia's room you found him looking after her. "I thought you'd left?" You said through a yawn.

"I thought I'd stay here with you two today." Roman said and glanced at you before turning his attention back to Nadia who was grabbing at him.

"Oh? Well that's fine but I have a few things to do first." You said as you took Nadia from him.

"You're meeting Peter." He said grumpily as he followed you down to the kitchen.

"Um. Yeah how did you know?" You asked slowly.

"Overheard you on the phone." He muttered and got a funny look. "You're not... sleeping with him?"

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now