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"What do you mean she's still sick?" Roman growled out.

"I'm sorry Mr Godfrey there's nothing more we can do." The doctor stuttered.

"I've been paying you four thousand dollars a day to get her better not let her get sicker!" Roman yelled.

"I'm sorry sir..." The man tried but Roman shook his head.

"I will have you fired." Roman warned as he stormed out of the building and slammed his way into his car.

He sighed and started the drive to the White Towers, not ready to go home and tell you his vast amount of money and volatile temper had gotten nowhere. As soon as he got through the doors people were milling around him and yelling, all he wanted to do was find Pryce, finally admitting defeat and acknowledging the that he might be your only chance to living through the month.

"Mr Godfrey, the horse you bought for Miss (Y/L/N) is at the stable." Someone muttered to Roman as he headed into his office.

"Right, will you go find Pryce and tell him I need him now." Roman snapped.


"What you're asking of me can't be done." Pryce told Roman again.

"Bullshit Pryce, you can make me human so just swap the machine around." Roman snapped.

"I'd need time to experiment and I will need Upir's to take the blood from." Pryce explained.

"You have two weeks." Roman snapped as he glared at the man.

"I can't get it done in two weeks." Pryce stated firmly.

"I don't give a fuck what you have to do, who dies, how many of your fucked up minions go without sleep, get it done." Roman spat at him.

"We don't have the funding for this." Pryce watched as Roman rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Take what you need from my personal accounts, add a quarter of the normal funding to whatever I'm giving you." Roman said quickly.

"I can't promise you it will work but I'll try." Pryce muttered. "If it does we can thank (Y/N) for giving us a new product."

"Just stop her from Dying." Roman snapped.


"She's worse than she was when I left." Roman muttered as Anna pottered around your room.

"Shelly came to see her, I told her not to get out of bed but she didn't want the girl to worry." The housekeeper smiled apologetically at Roman who stared down at you.

He waited until she'd left before crouching down next to you and brushed your hair out of your face, he hated you like this, he wanted the days back where you'd argue for hours before ending up affectionately wrapped around each other.

"You can't leave me yet (Y/N), I need you to stay with me... all the bad things I do, you're the only one who loves me." Roman croaked.


"This better work." Roman hissed at Pryce as he waited for the ambulance to arrive at the White Towers.

"I can't say that it will do anything other than cause her pain." Pryce chided, wishing more than anything the Roman would let you go with some dignity so that he didn't have to hurt you and make you into his experiment.

"Roman... why're we hear?" Your voice was hoarse and barely audible but Roman crouched down next to the wheelchair you were in and stroked your hair.

"I promised I'd make you better." He kissed the side of your head and let Pryce take you away.

He sat silently, listening to your screams and sobs, not once did he think that this wasn't the right thing to do for you. The only thing that crossed his mind was that once it worked you'd be dependent on him for several years, unable to leave him.

Roman made his way slowly to your room, the glaring white halls making the back of his eyes ache as he tried not to look like he was rushing. When he got into the room he found you curled in one of the armchairs, staring out over a rainy Hemlock Grove.

"(Y/N)." Roman muttered. "Pryce said you can go home today."

You hadn't said anything to him since you woke up, he wanted you to tell him it was the right thing to do, that you were great full that you were now like him. But you simply followed him obediently, walking next to him as if you were never sick.

"Why're we stopping?" You asked quietly.

"I have a gift for you." Roman climbed out of the car and helped you out.

He led you to the stable that he owned, just inside the thick of the woods. When you set your eyes on the beautiful black stallion you'd been pining after for months your eyes watered, you couldn't remember the last gift Roman had given you that wasn't secretly for him.

But when you approached it reared and bucked, eyes rolling in fear at the mere presence of you. Roman's hands tightened around your forearms and he pulled you away from the horse who was still braying nervously.

"I'll find one that doesn't do that." Roman promised.

"This is because of what you did to me." You mumbled, yanking away from him and hurrying back towards the car.

"(Y/N) I... think that I love you." Roman admitted.

"You think?" You asked him.

"Yeah, if we want to keep the house and the horse I actually have to go into work, before it was just to keep face with the side companies." Roman admitted. "I emptied one of our accounts to make you better."

"You risked your perfect life just so I would live?" You asked him.

"Yes." Roman said quickly.

"I know that I'm mad at you but... I love you to Roman." You mumbled.

Roman Godfrey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now