Part 1

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Seungwoo was peacefully signing papers in his office when he got a call which made the male alert. The call was from his mom. 

"Eomma Wae?" Seungwoo asked. 

if we were to introduce Seungwoo, He was the youngest son of Han's. His father after retiring handed him the Han industries which he now looks after. The Han industries were one of the largest industries in Korea. They included hotels, shopping malls. food chains 

"What! How the hell Sieun got hurt?" He asked  getting concerned 

" Ok, I am coming," Seungwoo said and ended the call. Then Seungwoo picked up his Phone again and made a  phone call to someone.  Then after a few seconds, a male appeared with a smile.

"Hyung  Is everything ok" Seungsik asked. Seungsik was Seungwoo's cousin and was working with him 

"Seungsik-ah I need to go Sieun got hurt and was admitted to hospital," Seungwoo said giving seungsik the concerned look.

Sieun was Seungwoo's daughter. He was young but he was already a father. He got married at the age of 25 to his best friend Lee Jiae after dating her for 5 years. But unfortunately, she died 2 years after giving birth to Sieun from a terminal illness. 

 Seungwoo loved Sieun very much and gave all his time to her, but his parents convinced him to work.

"Eomma where is Sieun?" Seungwoo asked as soon as he saw his mother.

"She is inside," Seungwoo's mother said and sighed. Seungwoo saw where his mother told him to and saw that a bandage was wrapped around Sieun's head.

"She is sleeping the doctors gave her medicines," Seungwoo's mother said and sighed.

"What happened?" Seungwoo asked.

"The nanny called me and said Sieun was in the hospital." Seungwoo's mother said and Seungwoo looked behind them to see a woman whose head was hanged low.

"Mr. Han I am- you are fired," Seungwoo said before the woman could say anything.

"Mr. Han please it won't happen again" The woman cried.

"I won't repeat my word you are fired," Seungwoo said. and the women quietly left.  then Seungwoo went inside Sieun's room her little body was sleeping on the hospital bed. 

"Sieun-ah. It hurts right?  Appa is sorry. Appa couldn't protect you from the pain" Seungwoo said tears slipping from his eyes

"Appa why are you crying  I am not crying. It doesn't even hurt" Sieun said and smiled. A smile that could melt Seungwoo's heart a thousand times.

Sieun was only four years old but was mature than any other girls her age.

"I see Sieun is awake Mr. Han" The doctor came and said and Seungwoo nodded.

"I have run some tests in case she had any internal injuries but thank God she doesn't and she can go home now," The doctor said and Seungwoo smiled. 

"See appa I am a big girl so I get to go home first," Sieun said and Seungwoo ruffled her heir.

(time skip)

After a while, Sieun got discharged and now Seungwoo was holding her.  "Grandma I am going home!" Sieun exclaimed. 

"Aigoo Sieun-ah thank goodness you are ok," Seungwoo's mother said.

"Amma now I will go and take Sieun home," Seungwooo said and his mother nodded.

"Appa  can I ask you something?" Sieun said while Seungwoo buckled her up in her car seat.

"hmm baby you can,"  Seungwoo said and waited for Sieun's reply

"Why don't I have amma?" Sieun asked and Seungwoo looked at her.

"In my class, Haru, Jihoon, Jinwoo everyone has, Even you also have grandma," Sieun said and Seungwoo felt like choking up. 

"That's because baby your mom is in a better place," Seungwoo said.

"Doesn't she miss me?" Sieun asked and Seungwoo could see tears in Sieun's eyes.

"Ofcourse she does baby. It's just  she can't come to us  and tell us how much she misses us." Seungwoo said and suddenly an idea popped  in his mind.

"Who wants to eat tongkatsu?" Seungwoo asked changing the subject  Tongkatsu was Sieun's favourite food

"Mee" Sieun rised her hand excitedly  

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