Part 10

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"So I hope you would be good to her" Seungwoo said and Jieun glared at Haeun. Jieun mouthed something that Haeun could not catch. and Seungwoo saw that Haeun felt uncomfortable so he decided to step up. "So Jieun-ssi if you don't have any work please leave. i would like to spend some time with my daughter and girlfriend" Seungwoo said and Jieun left the room angrily 

"Aigoo my baby you waited long for me?" Seungwoo asked picking up Sieun. "it's ok now that you are here appa  I want to buy toys, You promised me for being good, remember?" Sieun asked and Seungwoo nodded  "And eat lunch with you and pretty unnie," Sieun said and Seungwoo looked at Haeun.  "Sure we can," Seungwoo said and Sieun giggled. "Let's go," Seungwoo said.

Haeun was still shocked by Seungwoo's word. So she hasn't moved an inch. "Haeun-ssi?" Seungwoo's word snapped her back. "Let's go," Seungwoo said and   three of them went downstairs

Seungwoo and Haeun sat in front while Sieun sat in her car seat. Seungwoo told the driver to go back home as he wanted to drive there himself. Seungwoo also doesn't know why but he was happy that he was getting to spend time with both Sieun and Haeun. And maybe Seungwoo thought he could tell her what happened.

"Haeun-ssi I am sorry about earlier. I bet it caught you off guard" Seungwoo said "And Jieun was pressuring me to date her and I am not ready for it. Even my parents force me to date but -" Seungwoo said sighing while he kept his eyes on the road and honestly Haeun could understand Ofcourse he wasn't ready he loved Jiae very much. Well, how did Haeun know her name? Her idiot cousin told her about her. How pretty she was and all.

"And I saw  Jieun telling you something outside you ok?" Seungwoo asked. "Ah yes it's ok after all she is my sister I should bear it right," Haeun said and Seungwoo was shocked. "What you are Jieun's sister' Seungwoo asked

Before Haeun could say anything they  reach their destination, "Yeh  we are here!" Sieun cheered. 

Seungwoo was shocked to know that Haeun was jieun's sister that means Haeun was the one Seungwoo fell in love with when they were  kids. even before Jiae

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