part 45

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"Haeun wh-ah Haeun. After  Taeil's death Haeun wanted to go abroad, so we sent her to Japan" Mrs moon said and Seungwoo snickered. ' How could they lie?' Seungwoo thought.

"By the way Seungwoo oppa i want you to be my date for tonight."   Jieun said. Seungwoo would rather be absent from the party rather than going with Jieun.

"Yes Seungwoo-ya please teach my daughter many things as she is still lacking" Mrs. Moon said.


"Oppa is it necessary?" Haeun asked. Haeun and  Hongseok were currently going for shopping.

"Ofcourse it. Haeun-ah today you will represent me Yang Hongseok" Hongseok said.

Although Hongseok said that, the truth was Hongseok wanted to do something for Haeun but Haeun wouldn't agree the other way.

Haeun and Hongseok then went to a boutique.

After many  trials and errors Finally they found a dress Which be was an emerald green  mid knee dress and the dress was also off shoulder.

Then Hongseok dragged Haeun to a makeup artist to do her makeup.

"Finally i am done" haeun said as she came Infront of Hongseok. After seeing Haeun Hongseok was awestruck.

"Why  do i look bad?" Haeun asked pouting.

"Ani you look beautiful" Hongseok said.

"Kumawo" Haeun said

(Time skip)

Haeun and Hongseok came to the venue.

"Oh Mr Yang has bought someone I see" one of the elders said

"Ah that's my date for tonight Mr Bae." Hongseok said and Haeun introduced herself

"I see i wanted to introduce you to my daughter but alas i can't do that anymore" Mr. Bae said

"Oh Mr Yang look there is Mr Han and Miss Moon" one of the people said and Haeun's eyes went to Seungwoo who was with Jieun

"Mr Han it's nice to meet you here" Hongseok with Haeun went and greeted Seungwoo and Jieun.

Seungwoo was shocked to see Haeun. She was looking so beautiful.

"Oppa why are you looking at Haeun? I  am here with you" Jieun whispered but Seungwoo was still looking at Haeun who was laughing and talking with other people with Hongseok after greeting Seungwoo..

Now they were sitting while listening to the speech. Haeun was trying not to focus on Seungwoo. But her eyes were taking glance at Seungwoo.

' Jieun and Seungwoo looks good together' haeun thought.

"Oppa I will  be at the balcony. I need some fresh air" Haeun said and Hongseok nodded.

Haeun went on the balcony and looked outside. ' the view is really nice' Haeun  thought

" You look beautiful"

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