Part 14

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"Hyung are you ok?"  Chan asked Seungwoo who wasn't eating his food "Eo, hmm I am ok" Seungwoo said.  Then Seungwoo's eyes went back to the girl who was still laughing. Seungwoo doesn't know why he was feeling that way.

"Ya you guys go back I want to visit Jiea," Seungwoo said Seungwoo thought visiting Jiae would take his mind off things .. Chan and Seungsik nodded.

Seungwoo then derived to the cemetery Jiae's rested. 

"Jiae-ah I am here," Seungwoo said softly. "I am so sorry I couldn't visit you," Seungwoo said again and placed the white Lilac on the grave. "DO you want to see our Sieun? She has grown up to be just like you." Seungwoo said chuckling a little bit. Then showed t sieun's photo.

"You must be seeing me right. I also don't know why this is happening.  I don't know what to do Jae-ah" Seungwoo said tears now threatening to come.

(time skip)

It was late afternoon Haeun took Sieun from her kintergarden and went home. But Seungwoo wasn't home. 

"Sleep well Uri princess," Haeun said and kissed Sieun's forehead. Haeun was getting so used to being around Sieun she doesn't know what she would do once  Sejun comes back.

 She then went to her own room and began to do her work when one of the maids knocked on her door. "Come in," Haeun said. "Seungwoo  is back but he looks like he's sick so I was wondering if you would go and check up on him." Mrs. Ahn an elderly said. Haeun also noticed that All the maids accept Mrs. Ahn called Seungwoo formally and. all of them except Mrs. Ahn leaves once their works are done.

"Seungwoo is really kind. he pays for my daughter who has leukemia." Mrs. Ahn said  "He took me in when my husband abandoned me and my daughter. I will be forever grateful for that" Mrs. Ahn said.

Haeun saw that Seungwoo was a kind man. He wasn't like all those spoiled rich kids who use their parent's money only for fun. Haeun decided to check up on Seungwoo. He has been nothing but kind to her too .so she could do this much right? Haeun went to Seungwoo's room and knocked on his door.

"Come in," Seungwoo said well almost.  Haeun went on and saw that Seungwoo's eyes were red. "Are you ok?" Haeun asked.

Seungwoo without saying anything went on and Hugged Haeun which shocked her. She tried to free herself but Seungwoo wouldn't budge.

"Please stay like this for 5 minutes" Seungwoo mumbled

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