Part 6

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After Haeun was done with her work. She was home to find her apartment door open. Haeun was horrified so she decided to call Sejun.

"Eo Wae?" Sejun asked as he picked up the call. and Haeun explained everything to Sejun. "Ok you stay  downstairs and call the cops I am coming," Sejun said and ended the call

After 2 minutes Sejun was in Haeun's apartment. "Ya  gwenchana?" Sejun asked panting. Thank goodness Sejun lived close

"Hmm the cops arrived just before you came and they are now looking." haeun said and sighed. As they were talking the cops came to talk to haeun.

"Hi i am inspector Kim Inseong i am in charge of your case." Inspector Kim said 

"Hi, inspector Kim so what happed in there?" Sejun asked hoping  it was nothing serious

"It looks like someone tried to break in and was successful. will you please go and see if anything is missing?" inspector Kim said and Haeun walked in there accompanied by Sejun.

Haeun looked around and her house was a mess she went to the place where she kept her money and all of them were gone.

"Jun-ah my mon-money they are gone," haeun said breaking into tears.  Sejun looked at the place and saw that nothing was in there.

"Jun-ah ottoke. i was supposed to pay my tuition and mobile bill this week" Haeun cried.

Sejun went and hugged Haeun. Sejun knew how hard Haeun worked to earn that money. After some time Haeun calmed down and went to talk with inspector Kim.

"Her money, Her money is  missing," Sejun said 

"Someone must have broke in to steal her money. We will try to find the culprit until then it's better that she lives somewhere else" inspector Kim said

"Haeun-ah let's go to my place ok,"  Sejun said and Haeun nodded.

Haeun then went inside and packed essential things like clothes and stuff and went to meet Sejun.

Then Sejun took the bag from her and they started walking towardsSEjun's house.

"Jun-ah how will I pay those bills. You know I hate being late on my bills" Haeun said as they entered  Sejun's house. Haeun has visited Sejun's house way too many times so she knows her way around.

"Ya I am sure they will find the culprit but before that let me pay those" Sejun said and Haeun glared at him

"I am just saying you can pay me back once they catch the culprit," Sejun said 

As Sejun and Haeun were talking they heard a bell on the door.

"hyung what are you doing here?" Sejun asked as soon as he opened the door.

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