Part 18

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Haeun was shocked and frozen. After some seconds Seungwoo released Haeun and glared at Jieun "I believe it's enough for you" Seungwoo said and looked at Haeun. "If it's true then why are you the only one to say anything Oppa and why does she look so shocked? and you know what the day you said she was your girlfriend, Just before that she denied having a boyfriend," Jieun asked smirking

"Jieun-ssi why would I need to explain my life with you and before that-?" Haeun said and laughed. "Before that why would someone mighty like you talk to me?" Haeun said and this time it was Jieun who was speechless.

"And anyways Since you are being clingy to my boyfriend which he is I would like you to back off," Haeun said and Honestly Seungwoo was amazed

"Moon Haeun you won't get away with it," Jieun said and ran off. Haeun looked at Seungwoo and suddenly Haeun became shy.

"Thanks for helping me. But Haeun-ssi can you help me with  another thing too?" Seungwoo asked and Haeun nodded ofcourse Haeun would help Seungwoo because Seungwoo has been helping her a lot

"Umm my sister has an event this Friday so  I was wondering you could pretend to be my girlfriend that time too," Seungwoo said. The truth was Seungwoo wanted to take Haeun with him and he had to give some. Seungwoo after yesterday's confession was more guilty and wanted to treat Haeun better 

The rest of the day was nothing special Seungwoo had to go to work and Haeun was left all alone so she decided to tell Deokhee what happened. and ofcourse as always, Deokhee was surprised. 

"Unnie" Haeun heard a little voice calling her 

"Sieun-ah you are back" Haeun went on and hugged Sieun. Sieun and haeun got really close the past few days to the point that if they go out people would tell them that they were mother and daughter.

"I missed you!" Haeun said and picked Sieun up

"I missed you too now get ready. Appa said we will be going outside for shopping" sieun said and Haeun could not understand. 

" yep my princess at first let's give you a bath" Haeun said

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