Part 22

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Seungwoo came back home holding a sleeping Sieun who fell asleep on him. Seungwoo tucked Sieun and went to Haeun's room. This was the first time he was going to Haeun's room after she moved in. But Seungwoo was shocked to see that all of haeun's stuff was gone.

"Mrs. Ahn" Seungwoo called Mrs. Ahn and she rushed inside the room. "Eo Seungwoo-ya Do you need anything," Mrs. Ahn asked. "Where is Haeun?" Seungwoo asked.

"Ah, Haeun did not tell you? She has gone back" Mrs. Ahn said and Seungwoo's mind went blank


"It feels great to be home" Haeun inhaled after she put her feet on her own home. "although it needs some cleaning," Haein said, and then she again began to clean her house

After one hour of cleaning Haeun was finally done. "Let's order some jajangmyun" Haeun mumbled but then she remembered she doesn't have money on her. But she was hungry so hungry that she decided to call Sejun

"Jun-ah can you lend me some money. I will pay you back once I get money " Haein said as Sejun picked up. 'Omo what happened? the great Haeun asked me for money" Sejun said and laughed. "Ya - Ya you should be saying please," Sejun said cutting Haeun. Sejun would gladly help Haeun but he was having fun teasing her. "Arrasso Lim Sejun-ssi please lend me some money." Haeun said, " Arrasso I am sending it to you, and yes I am coming back tomorrow?" Sejun said laughing and Haeun ended the call

After Sejun had sent her the money she ordered the jajangmyun. after a few minutes the bell rang so Haeun thought it was the jajangmyun. but she was shocked to see Han Seungwoo.

"Seungwoo-ssi what are you doing here? Where is Sieun" Haeun asked

"Sieun is sleeping and Mrs ahn is with her. why did you leave without telling me?" Seungwoo asked and Haeun was flustered

'Why did he care?' Haeun thought

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